Monday, October 31, 2011


Our internal thoughts can trigger our motives. Unintentional thoughts could became life threaten. It’s hard to learn lessons when we don’t realize our mistakes. Guarding what you hold valuable is not a foolish action, it’s a wise decision. Your now recognizing worth and value and that only the part that is necessary can be given. Priceless items are never auctioned off; it is mounted for all to see. Hence wise we should never place value on our possessions; we have it to be shared. We should give enough of ourselves so that we are fulfilled internally. Keep your mind stable by doing the right thing. Stick to what your mind tells you. Always listen for direction when people talk. Be carefully aware of the indicators. Flattery only fills the head of someone’s superficial ego, but it does nothing for the base of your plans. Avoid jumping in too deep; the lower you go the more intense it becomes. Gather all your facts first. And don’t allow garbage to deposit into your system, it’s a waste of time.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, October 24, 2011

In Numbers

A relationship can be one of many or very few. We tend to monopolize relationships to suit our own image. While going after what we crave we try to draw in others to choose the same path. With all intention on seeking approval from our relationships, each individual is set in directions to figure out an aptitude of complex courses to venture onto. The base of finding individuality can not settle on someone else’s made up implantation of what someone life should seem. The intricate detail of who we are is fastened by the twining of our own will and power that is of our own countenance. You are only valuable if there is a need of you. We can miss the value of people when we don’t allow them to find their own way. Relationships don’t stand alone, but in numbers. If there is no room for growth in the relationships then there is no life expectancy. Relationships that have you going around in circles will only make you dizzy and relatively unfocused. If one is behind extend your hand for as long as it is needed, but only if it is reached for. Extension is not based on time but length. In yet there are always cutoffs.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, October 17, 2011

What You Can’t See

Complaining about the things that you don’t go after doesn’t make any sense. You place yourself in an unlawful position of uncertainty when you do. What has not been written can not be seen if it hasn’t been first told. The underlying fact is that we don’t believe in ourselves. Believing and achieving is a balancing act. In order to do both you must be able to take on the two simultaneously. What we lack is tenacity. Were always looking for something that mirrors what we want to have, but lack the drive to go after it. It is a constant battle with our mind to believe in ourselves. We can’t face obstacles with defeat in mind. If you focus in on what you can’t see then you have already set yourself up to relinquish your positioning. When you overtake your mind with the thought of winning then you become a winner. One of greatest achievement that you will accomplish will be is to envision yourself winning without sight. We are in lateral moves in are lives right now. And the only way to turn is right.  This is not a time to close your eyes, but a time to see with your eyes open and focus on what’s ahead.

Duly Noted and Marked

Friday, October 14, 2011

But You Said

The word of truth has to come from someone who is truth worthy. You can’t say one thing one day and then take what you say to justify how you really want to live. Whose fault would it be if what you say holds the next decision in someone’s life? But then they can’t take you serious enough because you live a life that is full of distractions. Distractions are blinders to the truth and what can also be a lie. These are people who will always remind you of who they are and then proceed to justify why they are the way that they are. Which leaves you and I more confused from the start of the conversation to the end. The gifts that you have can not be reciprocated if they are not used wisely. Situational outcomes will not give way if you fail to not live according to what you said. It’s not the person fault if they fail to listen its yours because you've failed yourself. If we fail one another then we will fall into traps that are laid to keep us bound. You are what we see. Masks are used to disguise identity if you never take it off then you can’t reveal who you are.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, October 10, 2011

In Between Moments

In between moments of disappointments we find ourselves in a state of weakness. Broken by trust,respect and the lack there of and momentary set backs. Our mind is in constant denial of the circumstances or situations that has lead us to this point. We rather put emphasis on ourselves and the problem, but never on the answer. How do you get out of this is by checking out what is around you. The people in your corner should be able to tell you the truth about you and not based on their opinions. Friends won't lead you any other way than the right way. But will help you set yourself in motion to stay focus. A friends perspective is based on who they know you are and what they know you could be. Get rid of excess. Everything excessive requires to much attention. If one thing has you in thought for too long it does you more harm than good that's excessive. Get out of the rut of not managing your time. Time has never been your enemy. It's set in motion to benefit you. Goals are planned with time limits. You can change the time on your goals, but changing the time will leave you making up time and once time is gone it's gone.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, October 3, 2011

Full Production

We are a product of conception, but internally we are a product of interception. One of the basic elements that are on a virtual display surrounded by spectators and on lookers is what we say we represent. It’s not always about articulation and how well you can exegete a conversation or fan dazzle your way in dialogue. But your body orientation and posture should line up with the word. This is done simultaneously and is yet undetected, but very well noticeable. Body language can interpret signs that your mouth won’t say, but what your mind is thinking. Your commentators will be the first to pre-judge and post-judge your production. You’re an “Ad”, never knowing when you will be primed and pulled. Quality is not produced in quantity, but what is behind the intent. Building blocks that are designed for the product arrival will not be ready until the product goes into “Full Production”. Full Production will only proceed when what you say is what you see.

Duly Noted and Marked