Monday, April 30, 2012

With Thanks

Our greatest appreciation comes from those who have watched us mature in different areas. It doesn’t take people very long to recognize the happiness that you would bring to their world. Often times when we involve ourselves, we don’t realize the impact that we would have on those who has chosen us to be apart. The rewards are substantial and the gratitude is received. We need each other, no one person is meant to be alone. Friendships are built on trust and mutual respect, but with an understanding to allow people to be themselves with no expectations of them being anyone else. It is not hard to connect with people who are genuine when we allow ourselves to open up. We come across only a handful of people that will be apart of your lives forever. You will recognize the ones by who they are to other people. And those who you hold dear, let them know that "With Thanks", that they are appreciated.


Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, April 23, 2012

Under Privilege

Today was one of those days that should have been titled, “it can get better than this”. The start of it begun with no direction and no indication as to how this day would end.  Even though there is still about 6 hours left in my day, I am yet hopeful for something great to take place. For those of us with a 9-5, we tend to be focused on deadlines and tasks that require immediate attention. It’s hard within a day to think about a future when our present day seems so bleak. Living in the NOW with the mindset that today could be the day that everything falls into place just the way we’ve hoped it would be, is as realistic as soon as you believe.  For a split second I felt a rush of excitement. Of course I started my day with a cup of Joe and maybe I could be feeling the after math of the caffeine. But this feeling was different. I’m sensing that this day could be really one of the best days yet. We all have been living under privileged for so long that we get use to our days being like any other. For those who have followed me since the beginning of this blog, I thank you for taking the time to see life through different frames.  Even though what I say maybe my truth, but my truth has a possibility of being my reality. And I believe the same for you as well. We are all looking for the light at the end of the tunnel, even when the tunnel seems as if it will never end. But keep in mind that there is an ending to all things, but the best part about our lives is that our desired destination will be our end.

Duly Noted and Marked 

Monday, April 16, 2012


There are great stories in the Bible that intrigue my curiosity and increase my intellect. One of the Greatest Kings that ever lived bestowed remarkable wisdom and judged honorably. Solomon was unlike any other King before him and after there was none like him. This particular story in reference was about two women that gave birth to children near the same time and one died. Both women went before the King and said that the child was there's and not the other. Solomon then called for a sword to divide the child and in the midst of slicing the child in half; one of the two women spoke up and gave her rights to the other. The story adds emphasis on how the women experienced a great emotion, in which they called it a yearning on inside of her that was more concerned with the child’s safety than of her rights to keep the child. Solomon then gave the child to the woman who was willing to make the ultimate sacrifice in spite of her own desire. Decisions and sacrifice go hand and hand, rather often due to circumstance. It’s hard for us to not only want but also feel the need to have or obtain. Some of us feel that we deserve it and never the mind how we will acquire it. Going through life changes, we learn to use wisdom to judge our lives and make unwavering decisions. Wisdom is definitely something you can gain from learning, but how you make it practical, is by applying it daily. You have to make wisdom a daily regime, especially when our understanding is not always clear. The women depended on a King to make the final call, when chosen people know that they are chosen to do great things, they rely on the Kingship or the power that resides within them. Realize now that wisdom can never run out nor suspend itself in time. Wisdom is for those who want and not wish to have.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, April 9, 2012

Order of Design

There are levels of endowing accomplishments leading up to a purpose driven lifestyle.  Someone who realizes that purpose is only a part of the design will obtain great order of success.  This designing factor doesn’t negate from the fact that dreams are still filled with possibilities. We tend to find ourselves jumping from post to post looking to place agendas and goals that meet our satisfaction. But we never seem to get it right, when we find ourselves out of order. Our mind is caught in between confusion and crazy. We end up spending half of our day wondering what to do and the other half figuring when to do it. We set our own selves up to be let down. When we plan according to specific order we eliminate stress and worry from our lives. Those who have acquired this skill have to be leaders to others.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, April 2, 2012

Perfect Example

For those who are always right, when is being wrong a bad thing? Our make-up is to process and produce all functionalities of our thoughts. We are the perfect example of a chosen generation, proven to go through mishaps, and shown how to make it through.  What could be right for you is not necessarily a right thing for someone else.  Just the same as something that is good for you, can be intently bad for anyone else.  Being the perfect example is showing how to cater to everyone needs by first being a good listener. Never assess any situation without first taking into consideration the other persons feelings and how you shouldn’t respond, because the person speaking is not you. Our emotions can cloud our judgment and our responses can be condescending. If you haven’t lived it, then you have no say at all. People like a yes man, and often times yes mans are saying no way man to other people behind your back. Someone who tells you the truth about yourself can be trusted. If you’re looking to make friends and not gain enemies, then consider the validity of the truth.  When the truth hits, it should hurt. And in friendships hurting is a part of the process that produces good friendships.

Duly Noted and Marked