Monday, May 27, 2013

Not you than who?

Today's generation is lost in today's system. The system that teaches them that waiting is not worth it, if you can have everything now. We are beyond the microwave generation. We are facing a generation that exploits and expects results in such aways that is producing an appetite for desires that are beyond imagination. This desire has our generation rebelling and looking for substitutions in substances, materials and physical means that have only short term effects. And the sad thing is that they have no clue what they are doing to themselves. The detrimental effects of these choices are going to produce negative results throughout their lifetime. At this very moment I am asking myself what can be done? We've heard in times past in order to teach one you have to reach one. But if you are too caught up with yourself then you'll miss the opportunity to be the one who could possibly change someone's life. They need us more now than ever and I urge you today to look beyond yourself and reach out to someone who needs someone like you in there lives. If not you than who? 

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, May 20, 2013

Will of a Whale

There was no excuse for Jonah to run away from doing the will of God. He ran not out of fear but because he thought what he wanted to not do was more important than rescuing the people who needed to know God more. The people actually needed to see a physical manifestation of God’s word through his works. Jonah was a living work of God’s word. It wasn't just his dramatic rescue from being spewed out of the whale’s belly that made Jonah renowned. It was the fact that Jonah was called before he fled.  How often do we run with no though of turning back? How often do we see our own needs before we look to lend a hand to someone else? We are favored people by God, whose call is to proceed to action without hesitation. Within hesitation becomes frustration. Nothing will work out until we (you) (me) get our will of a whale out the way. Jonah’s will became his whale. His will was enlarged by what he thought was right. If I never learn anything else from today, I've learned that my will of a whale must die in order to gain passage into the Kingdom of God. If (we) I stop now we will become endangered species to a generation in need of the message that we have to bring. I salute all that desires to know God intimately. This is a place where we will understand that God’s will, is what we really want.

"Thy will will be done on Earth"

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, May 13, 2013

Graduation Day

There is nothing like being set apart from the crowd to do something extraordinary. To be the one person chosen out of many to excel to another level of achievement. The feeling that you can get from such an accomplishment can only be felt from a person who has sacrificed part of their lives to reach such a goal. In order to see opportunity one must blind themselves from the outside world. You have to disciple yourself everyday to recognize the potential distraction that will hinder your climb. To see what's ahead one has to remain focus. Precautionary measures must be taken with each step. It's a delicate situation that a person can find themselves in. You never know the road ahead but you must prepare for what's to come in order to be satisfied with the decisions and mistakes that will be made. These measures keeps you game focused. Minor set backs has a way to become hazardous if you can't redeem yourself. Mistakes are liabilities but when your future is insured it turns out favorable. The greatest obstacles that stand in the way are the bumps in the road. When you persevere through the hard challenges, you tend to appreciate the luxuries that life has to give. True happiness comes from a job well done when you don't take the experiences for granted. The beauty about life is the 360 degree angle. It takes us back around to reflect on our past to ignite our future. Humility is the antidote to life to keep you grounded and to remain. One must recognize that in all achievements that the higher you go the loner the climb will seem. Reaching the top is not a one man's flight many hands do make the work light. For what was once impossible now became possible through what you believed in.

Personal Share:

This past weekend a dear close sister-friend of mine graduated from Law School. What an exciting time we all had to see someone who we all hold dear in our hearts. To walk across an Historic stage to accept an academic achievement reward that will not only open doors but it now places her in History. Overwhelmed with emotion but overjoyed to know that if you press your way, that the way that's made for you will set you on a high pinnacle. She did not forget where she was headed. She planned ahead for this future and she obtained what many fail at. This beauty of nature made in His likeness has set the stage for many. And today Trenika I honor you my sister-friend. With love and admiration. I speak life and that more abundantly for you. God is the wiser of us all and in Him you will see where life unfolds.

Love you dearly

Duly Noted and Marked

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Missed Opportunities

Missed opportunities are missed blessings. We are in a season now of change and change for the better. We cannot allow yesteryear to rain on our today. If we stop and think, what we must do in order to change we will see the silver lining of Hope that God has shown. And in that He has not forsaken you. What we have to acquire is a new spring, a well of life that waters and never runs dry. God is more if we allow Him to be more. What is impossible can turn out to be what you have been waiting for. But you cannot allow situations to take you away from this season. It’s impeccable that you heed to the call now and not later. One of the many things that I admire about God is how He will never allow your situation to detour you away from His purpose in your life. For if God is your purpose you'll have clear vision. Having clear vision has you to see beyond the mountains and hills. Even in the low valleys you will be able to look up. Open doors are always open. Walk into it today!

God Bless
Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, May 6, 2013

Grow and Change

Frustration is one of the signals you can identify with when your going through growing changes in your life. Everything around you and in your possession will frustrate you. It seem as if nothing is going right and everything you put your hands to turnout bronze instead of gold. Your life focus as it may seem will make you negate from your true purpose. Only if you don't recognize the cause so you can affect it before it effects you. We have to make the best out of the worse situations. If we don't then the worse will get the best out of us. When your growing and changing life takes on a course of action that realign our way of thinking. If our mood changes then our disposition does as well. Many of us have set our ambitions to low and we find ourselves achieving under our abilities. The more difficult that life gets the more appealing shortcuts seem to be. Life does not work that way, if so then the majority of us would be reaping a harvest based on merit and not achievement. In order to be successful at anything you must be willing to allow room for growth. No room, no movement makes a person more frustrated at themselves more than anything. For a person to grow and change, you must have a repentant mind. A mind that stays the same is unruly and it yields to default. But a mind that repent's yields to humility and disdains from self-gratification.

Duly Noted and Marked