Often times we pick up magazines for the sake of who is on the cover. And we surpass the highlighted features to look for the catch phrases or headlines that gain our attention. We loose the contents of the magazine to gain an appetite for the latest news on the who’ who’s to fulfill our self gratification for someone else life. We indulge in the drama filled or drama contented lives to getaway from our own. Mystical as it might sound but notable truth worthy. We buy things that are of no value to loose even more value by the content in which we allow ourselves to endure. We as a people a body of a nation have gone wrong with buying things that are inconspicuous to the eye but it endangers our cognitive processes and allowed for "trash" to inhabit our mind which makes it hard to distinguish between what we know to be truth and what our “fixated” reality calls truth. What we say and how we live are replicas of what we take in. We don't pick up books anymore to sustain and fill our zest for life to gain knowledge which has been written and hidden from those who don't seek to find. We have lost a great value to our society. Books are the basic fundamentals to the building blocks for which our nation has set its foundation on. Books have become an endangered species in our communities. Once upon a time (which seems so long ago) books were necessary in schools, homes and the start of initial conversation. Libraries have become an extinct place where now they use gimmicks and ploys to make it more exciting for people to visit. And a library card is “faux pas” to have. The English language has now been broken down into disjunctive lettering that makes for broken speech and improper dictation imbolent. The onset of first learning how to read started with a book and nowadays a text message has become our source of reading and learning. Were leaving this generation with a broken disfigurement of a culture and language that was once the leading source to break barriers and mold together people who wanted to be taught and wanted to learn. Books have provided through out centuries an array of historical facts that has taught each generation about the time before. Literature is not just to appease us it’s to delectable subdue our delight to fascinate our intellect. We will be the lost cause to the future generation if we allow for the misuse of books to go untouched and unrivaled by the minds of those who seek wisdom. We have to stand up to propaganda and to those who try to impute impure or immoral funderment to gain a more sustainable audience. We haven’t lost yet but we will only stay in the race if we stay ahead. The sure fire way to, is to always learn your opponent by opening up the book and reading the fine print.
Duly Noted and Marked
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