All things are coming together to workout on your behalf. And then all of a sudden you’re hit with disappointment. The very people that you thought were standing behind you end up leaving you. The new job that you accepted turned out to be not what you intended. Your family calls you unexpectedly to handle choices and decision that are not yours to make. And the bills don’t get any less, they continue to pile up until you can seem to figure them out. How do you continue to encourage yourself when it seems as if every angle or turn you make, turns you right back around? And you wonder day and night about the next move. Either it can catapult you to your next chapter or send you to plummet to an abyss of darkness. What does one do when it seems as if you’re on the brink of something great and then all of a sudden, something hits you from behind to remind you of what you wanted to forget? When confronted with difficulty we seemed to handle it the way it is given, confused and dismayed. Confused by what has transpired and dismayed by how to handle it. We have to remind ourselves that what we endure is working toward the workings of something great. Keep in mind that this is the very process that you must go through before you reach where you’re being directed to. “Process and Purpose” work hand in hand. Say it with me, “Process and Purpose” work hand in hand. You can’t reach purpose until you go through the process. Discouragement gives way for you to Encourage yourself in these times. As the sun shines in the day and the moon by night, hope is given to those who seek the light. You can’t set yourself free if you can’t find what you’re looking for in dark places. Yield to where the light is shinning so when you see the reflective light you will also see yourself in the reflection.
Duly Noted and Marked
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