Monday, November 28, 2011

Only Human

“He that finds fault in others will find fault within themselves”

Human weaknesses are set off by the tone of speech one uses to undermine their abilities. We are creatures by habitual tendencies and often time we get stuck into doing what we know to be wrong, but what seems to be right. We’ve become accustomed to what’s customary when looking at lives to mirror our own reflection. We’ve become indecisive about our decisions and we have turned to people that gave us room to speak, which only added to frustration. Our existence has been based on what someone else thought it should be. Trying to live up to expectations has left us if not all of us wallowing and feeling inadequate. Having alternatives is a choice, one of many if you allow yourself to make. It’s hard to leave what you know to find what you are looking for. Each day sheds light on our mishaps. If we miss out on what happening then our misfortunes can’t become our best learning tools. Eventually it will work to benefit you. Instead of choices were given chances and either way I rather make the choice to take the chance. You grant your own access so use what you got.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, November 21, 2011

You’re Spectacular

A devoted human being in pursuit of an unidentified distinctiveness, that is all of your own, but not of your own doing. Something about who you are makes you out to be someone so spectacular.  You have navigated your way through life figuring out the highs and lows of life issues that tried to ridicule and contradict your every move. The infliction left you out in the open bare for the whole world to see. But you conserved your dignity and stood in the middle of it all taking on different forms to suit the occurrences and setting yourself up to change the outcomes. You carved out of your heart the ache that took away your desire to love and added depth to your soul to open up your heart once more. The mini storms that became many washed away the filth that was left behind and the residue that remained unseen. A rare beauty you have become suited for a coat of many colors distinctively made for you to showcase the bountiful blessings that you are in wait to receive.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, November 14, 2011

Where do we go from here?

It’s not as if we can start are lives over from day one. But day by day we can take advantage of our lives by instilling the law of multiple proportions into our minds. Things cannot be unless we set them in motion to offset one another. When you follow order then you are realigning your life to reap rewards. We are a people that look for ways to gainfully secure our lives with the wealth of riches. Money isn’t everything but it makes life a bit easier to cope. There can’t be enough good things to say about health and family security because you can not pay back if you loose either one. In order to accomplish all that we hear, see and speak we must learn to humble ourselves, speak our minds when called to do so and be able to give what so ever is asked. One cannot lead unless they are taught and learn the value of being lead. You gain from what you have learned but you experience all that you have been taught. It’s key that we all do not miss out on the important factor and that is to keep a mind that is stable. If you do that then your life will always be fruitful.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, November 7, 2011


Rolling three the hard way is an impossible odd. You don’t know how the dice will land before you roll. Making unsure moves and changes can disrupt your mind from processing thoughts based on logic and common sense. Our mind is not equipped to deal with adjustments in our routinely schedule day that don’t compute with our daily lives. How does one get over the hurdle of making what sounds like a rash decision, by leaving logic to philosophize thinkers and processing thoughts that bring you joy. Joy is not a word we use often because we don’t describe joy as a feeling. Joy is the forefront for happiness. You can’t be happy unless you have found joy. There will be a ripple effect when you realize that joy is a guiding light in addition to making the choices that offer great benefits. Your success will be based on the joy that you have found. Joy is there for those that are seekers and for those who rely on it as a necessity. Allowing it to shine in the midst of your dimmest days will bring clarity to your direction.

Duly Noted and Marked