Monday, November 21, 2011

You’re Spectacular

A devoted human being in pursuit of an unidentified distinctiveness, that is all of your own, but not of your own doing. Something about who you are makes you out to be someone so spectacular.  You have navigated your way through life figuring out the highs and lows of life issues that tried to ridicule and contradict your every move. The infliction left you out in the open bare for the whole world to see. But you conserved your dignity and stood in the middle of it all taking on different forms to suit the occurrences and setting yourself up to change the outcomes. You carved out of your heart the ache that took away your desire to love and added depth to your soul to open up your heart once more. The mini storms that became many washed away the filth that was left behind and the residue that remained unseen. A rare beauty you have become suited for a coat of many colors distinctively made for you to showcase the bountiful blessings that you are in wait to receive.

Duly Noted and Marked

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