Opportunities wait on no man, but
possibilities takes time. How do you decipher which one to choose from? They
are both drawn to each other. What usually lies ahead are the possibilities to
encounter once in a lifetime opportunities. We can only miss the mark a few
times before we forfeit what is for us. Looking for unsolved clues behind
different doors, is not a job for the unbeliever, it’s for the person who never
cheats on life chances. Chances of a lifetime happens when belief is not
predicated on what you think should be. The secret to great success is to
experience but to also listen. A person who is blind learns from following, and
adheres to sounds to guide them. There are secret pathways, but the one who
finds their path has found their true calling. Waiting is a process; and timing
is everything. Beware of when to make the right move and how to apply it to
benefit you. If you wait for the “Green Light”, there will be no turning back.
Don't force yourself into anything that will take your focus off of what your initial
plans are. Use caution at any given time when things seem to not add up. Open
your eyes before you jump so you can see where you are headed. Discourage no
one, always encourage someone and use what God didn’t lack when he gave it to
you, your common sense.
Duly Noted and Marked
It is duly noted my sister!!! I am going to keep my eye's open when they need to be open and by faith leave them closed when "it" calls for me to blindly achieve and receive! I am marked by change! Be encouraged and keep writing!
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