On "This Eve", for some of us we're planning what we will do on the morrow, what favorite Christmas sweater to put on, preferably the one that lights up and what gifts we're expecting to receive. But let's not forget what we have is so that others may have too. Giving and sharing is more than what we should do during the Holiday Seasons. It is what we all need to do year around. I encourage each of you today to do something that is out of yourself so that someone else can benefit. Even if it means sacrificing your time to give. Take on the spirit in which we are celebrating and apply it so that the reward would be beyond a present but a spiritual enlightenment. It is better to give than to receive and more importantly what you do today and tomorrow will be a reflection of what you will be venturing after for 2013. Choose the hour spent wisely because your present will be what your future holds. Make life worthwhile and worth living for. The foolish lives for today but the wise plans ahead and uses the tools to leverage the advantage.
"The past is gone forever, unable to be tapered nor changed. The future is the potential for any and everything with the right choice, but God's best gift is now, because we hold the power to make the past and change our future. That's why we call it the present."
Unknown Benefactor
Take on the spirit to serve in all capacities and humble yourself as a servant, the day of reckoning is not far from you nor me.
Duly Noted and Marked
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