Monday, January 28, 2013


 One of the ways the enemy comes in to our minds is by keeping us so busy that we become distracted. He figures if he keeps us busy long enough that we will be so far off from God's purpose. His ultimate plan is to confuse us, to follow his lead according to his plan. He has set out to destroy God's creation to make them falter and to fail the intended plan of God. We work tiresome on things that have no importance to Gods plan and purpose for our lives. This takes the focus away from reading, praying, intercession and hearing God. Making our lives difficult to do any of these things, which are required to live a God filled life. Havoc comes into the mere places that are in dire need of God’s attention. We allow too much attention to go toward the problem; therefore it gains our attraction and steals us away from our focus, to get closer to the one who is the situation resolver. The enemy brings in the cares of this world to obtain the heart of God's people. Self-Gratification through pleasures that have their own appetite seeks nothing of God, but draws to the plan of destruction. The enemy wants us to be concerned with what we see; in order to paint a subliminal picture of what life could be like, if we have the things that we want. He shows us pictures through magazines, and television shows that are unrealistic, to eradicate Gods desire for us. And we wish on those things to come to past. What we say he knows he can activate if it’s outside the will of God. When we wish for substances outside the will it becomes substance abuse. That is why it is important to say, “Thy will be done”, because if it is not God’s will, then who's will is it? We have no idea of the outcomes because we too focus on what pleasures it will bring. Rely on what God shows you through the vision he has given you. The devil does not have the power to give you anything. But by you activating what is seen through the natural eye it gives it life, even when what you see around you is dead. Aim for wanting what God’s wants and if his heart is in you, your desire becomes his.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, January 21, 2013

Free of Debt

This year for me has started off in a progressive way. Of the ways was applying a "Healthy Wealthy",mindset to go according to my future plans. Wanting to be rich was now out of the question, that was someone who I thought I wanted to be, but in the interim, being rich is a poor mans dream. The more I feed into that mentality, the more destitute in mind and wallet I became. What I really wanted to be was a financial proof of success. One that people could see and hope to be. Once I started processing financial freedom in ways that I didn't think I was capable of doing, I became "Healthy Wealthy". My financial "Resolution" for this year is to be Free of Debt but not debt free. When your free of something, it no longer holds you and you can't go back because being free wont let you. I spoke Free of Debt over my life and in my pocketbook. I gathered my belonging together and I thought to myself what should be the first thing to go, "Credit Cards". One of my credit cards had a 600 dollar limit but I spent almost 4000 over the course of one year. How could that be you ask? If you allow yourself every month to run up your card and every other month pay it off and repeat the same steps again. You'll find yourself in the same place repeating the process. And this time around for me I had to break this cycle of the rotating wheel turning and never stopping. If this doesn't make sense to you, I get it, because it didn't make sense to either. This was absolutely crazy to me. To think I spent this much on one card and to have nothing to show for it was literally a waste of all my money spent! No way was I going to live 2013 as I did 2012 doing the same thing over again. I ended up cutting up the card and I'm now paying down the balance. The process is easy once you make a plan for it. And being 'Free of Debt' in mind and body has set me 'Free and Clear' to live peaceable.

"Fight the battle of bulge by gaining financial freedom and by loosing excessive debt"

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, January 14, 2013


Who can remain loyal when being loyal requires solidarity. If we are not on one accord then what remains is division. And in division places each and everyone of us on opposite ends. Its sad to recognize that at this point in our lives that we have so many quarrels with family and friends based on a decision they made and one you decided to move forward with. Does it not seem fair to say that a person decisions are personal matters? And that we all have to make them one day for ourselves. We put too much of our own beliefs into someone else's life that is not our own. We try to mirror an image that we think would be perfection but it turns out to be deception. You can not live through a lens that is not prescribed to you. Everyone on this planet has their own identity. For a time in my life I lived through someone else's vision. Which made me more angry than confused. I allowed people to dictate how I was going to be by what they did, when I knew it wasn't even me. I lost a sense of self and time wandering aimlessly trying to figure out who I was and where I was headed. Its take a special kind of person to decide to change based on self identification. When you identify with who you are you set yourself up to place the World off it's axis. We are designed to be identified by "The One",who has made us acceptable beings but in a separable way. If I become like you and you became like me, then it would be hard to separate. A person with their own Identity can never be mistaken for someone else, even if someone's vision of you is obscured from their own beliefs.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, January 7, 2013

Big Payback

My heart goes out to those who have lost loves ones within this year. Some of us would be amaze to find out that within the first 7 days, death knocked on someone's door and they were left with no choice but to open it. How many times have we heard about someone dying and never taking the time to realize that if we're not to careful, our next move could be our last. Or the fact that we taken to many chances with our lives, but never taken steps of Faith to live a better one. What sense does it make to have opportunities and never see them through? Or what about letting go of something so small, that it caused damaged holding on to it, when you should have settled it before it got worse. When will we stop looking at God to blame and see that death comes as a benefit. He that gives us life also has the right to take it. But he chooses the time. And we must take measures to insure that if we care for our lives the way that God has intended for us to, that the 'Big Payback', is beneficial to us in many ways unimaginable.

Duly Noted and Marked