Monday, January 28, 2013


 One of the ways the enemy comes in to our minds is by keeping us so busy that we become distracted. He figures if he keeps us busy long enough that we will be so far off from God's purpose. His ultimate plan is to confuse us, to follow his lead according to his plan. He has set out to destroy God's creation to make them falter and to fail the intended plan of God. We work tiresome on things that have no importance to Gods plan and purpose for our lives. This takes the focus away from reading, praying, intercession and hearing God. Making our lives difficult to do any of these things, which are required to live a God filled life. Havoc comes into the mere places that are in dire need of God’s attention. We allow too much attention to go toward the problem; therefore it gains our attraction and steals us away from our focus, to get closer to the one who is the situation resolver. The enemy brings in the cares of this world to obtain the heart of God's people. Self-Gratification through pleasures that have their own appetite seeks nothing of God, but draws to the plan of destruction. The enemy wants us to be concerned with what we see; in order to paint a subliminal picture of what life could be like, if we have the things that we want. He shows us pictures through magazines, and television shows that are unrealistic, to eradicate Gods desire for us. And we wish on those things to come to past. What we say he knows he can activate if it’s outside the will of God. When we wish for substances outside the will it becomes substance abuse. That is why it is important to say, “Thy will be done”, because if it is not God’s will, then who's will is it? We have no idea of the outcomes because we too focus on what pleasures it will bring. Rely on what God shows you through the vision he has given you. The devil does not have the power to give you anything. But by you activating what is seen through the natural eye it gives it life, even when what you see around you is dead. Aim for wanting what God’s wants and if his heart is in you, your desire becomes his.

Duly Noted and Marked

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