Thursday, July 11, 2013


The word of the Lord says,”How can two walk together unless they agree”. Amos  3:3

This scripture text resonated so much in and on my life this morning. I started thinking about whom I serve and why I follow Him. How can I say I am a believer of Jesus Christ when I agree with people who still want to do other than the word of God?  Am I being judgmental or am I following Christ? I was the type of friend who agreed on having pre-marital sex before marriage, because it was what I was doing. I even agreed on drinking to a point where you thought you controlled how many shots of patron you could handle and allowed you to drive home drunk. I was the type of friend that fought and literally fought in fights that were caused by malicious behavior that my so-called friends caused, but since I was a friend I had their back. How foolish was I. I patted people on their back telling them they were right when knowingly they were wrong. Was I really a friend? As I reflected back over my life and even as I write this now my hands are trembling because I know that this may not hit you now but you will have to come back to this later to reflect. I’ve had boyfriend relationships that where apart of God’s plan but not of God’s purpose. If a MAN is of God’s purpose for your life, you will not have to force the word of God on him but he will do according to the word of God. And any man who is in Christ is a new creature and follows the law of God and does not allow you to follow into SIN (Please remember this…ladies and gentlemen) God has not and will not condone a lifestyle that is NOT of His word. We walk as believers walk, we don’t talk it. We live the way God has taught and told us to live. If you do anything outside the will of GOD you are working for satan.  Period.  He rules in disguises and many of us right now are being deceived by what we THINK we want and IT is not of GOD. I can’t have this word on the inside of me and not share it, because I really love you. It’s not right and it will never be right if you are not following Christ the way HE said to do.  When you agree on things that are contradictory to the word of GOD, you will face consequences that will cause you to call on His name. Warning comes before destruction. The order of GOD is HIS word! BE NOT FOOLED for God is not mocked

Duly Noted and Marked


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