Monday, January 20, 2014

A Poverty Mind

A poverty mind will have you in a place of wanting everything you see, obtaining what you see, finding happiness from what you received, but the moment lasts as long as it’s value. We associate poverty with money because that’s all we tend to focus on the most. The “Have’s” have because they sacrifice to gain what others overlook, which is the prescribed medicine to all wealth,knowledge. The “Have” not’s don’t have because they sacrifice much to loose big and eventually give up their rights to loose it all to a poverty mind. I don’t believe that everyone wants to stay at this level. I believe that what you don’t know will possibly kill you, but what you fail to learn is seemly your responsibility. Who doesn't want to have wealth? I know for one I do. For myself acquiring the wealth I want is closer to me now than it’s ever been. My wealth is associated with my success. Executing my plans and achieving goals is the wealth I desire. If any of these things don’t bring me wealth from the world, my greatest wealth will be what I didn't allow my focus to remain on. We must change our poverty mind to a wealthy mind. For those that are wealth conscious this way is the only way. How you go about your daily routine is how you will live out the rest of your life. Become more aware of what you do and how you affect your environment. Your associations keep you where you and place you where your thoughts allow you to be. If you never ask how, you will never know when. Make a change today to go and grow from the state your in. Wealth can only be sustained through knowledge.

“Ignorance closes doors, Knowledge opens them”

Duly Noted and Marked

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

It Does Matter

We can say how the opinions of others don’t matter. In actual reality they do. What people say about you can hinder you or progress you. It is up to you to decide whether or not you care. The rights words from the right person can lead you in the right direction. I’m not saying adjust your life because of the concerns of others, but first obtain the vision and then use caution. You have to see a future in everything you plan on doing before you actually do something about it. Lean not on your own understanding(Proverbs 3:5-6). Poor choice of actions can lead you down the wrong path along with the wrong future. Consequences aligned up with the choices we make. Every cause there is an effect and with every action there are outcomes. The steps you take must be well thought out. For some of us as we grow older we grow stagnant while others tend to move with a plan. We must remember to consult those who have moved out ahead and ended up in places you want to go. We are a people who ask not because we’re too afraid of the embarrassment. Stay away from those who look to profit off of your eagerness to succeed. Without wise counsel you won’t get very far. We place great emphasis on success but our aim aligns us to revert back to the opinions of others. For we know that without the right words spoken we won’t get the right results. And it does matter who’s speaking.

“Incline your ear to hear the right words suitable to suit where your going”

Duly Noted and Marked

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Offer a Compromise

The World will have us to believe that in order to get ahead we must offer a compromise. Just recently I contacted the IRS to settle a debt and they told me the only way to settle is to offer a compromise. So I proceeded with giving them what I think I should owe, along with monies to put the process through. The evaluator contacted me and said that I would have a sum of monies if I didn’t give monies to the church. I then told the evaluator that it is my “right” to give my tithes and offerings (Malachi 3:8-10)to the place where I fellowship. The world has built a defense system against the body of Christ that we can no longer look over as if it is not our problem. We are the body and we have a right to speak up for what is right. Any entity that is against Christ should be an enemy to you (James 4:4 paraphrasing). We as believers must understand that the timing of God’s hand is now showing forth in a mighty way that we can no longer not see the errors of our ways. The World gives rights to homosexuals, abortionist, molesters, murderers and for believers the World is trying to take away the very Word of God in which He has mandated for “All” of us to live according to. Today’s message can be a bit hard to digest and be it so. I personally could not rest and I love you all dearly even if I don’t know you personally. I believe in hating the sin and not the person. We’ve all have come short of the Glory of God (Romans 3:23), also we all have a choice to make in which direction we want to take. Believers we are over stepping boundaries that God has set for our lives. The way that we are living is not okay. We must get right church because our Father is calling us home. Hold on to nothing more than what God is wanting to give you. Take nothing from no one that your not willing to repay. Gods gives blessings to those who are in need of you in order to bless you. Stop looking for the World to capitalize on your gifts, look to please God in your gifts in order for Him to bless you beyond your imagination. Anyone can change. No one is exempt from God’s unconditional Love. Some of us think we have it all together but we’re missing one thing Him. No matter what you have accomplished in your life if it has not been for the glory of God it is meaningless (The Book of Ecclesiastes).He’s calling each and everyone of us. He’s in need of you. Ask God today, “What can I do to please you? Take what is out of me and make me right, make me whole, Lord I’m in need of you because I hear you calling me”. It’s that simple. No need to offer a compromise to the World. In the end there will be nothing left of this World.

“But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners,Christ died for us(Romans 5:8)”
“We love because he first loved us (1John 4:19)

“But my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches and Glory(Philippians 4:19).”

“Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him; Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way... Better is the little of the righteous than the abundance of many wicked.” Ps 37:7,16 (NAS)

Duly Noted and Marked