A poverty mind will have you in a place of wanting everything you see, obtaining what you see, finding happiness from what you received, but the moment lasts as long as it’s value. We associate poverty with money because that’s all we tend to focus on the most. The “Have’s” have because they sacrifice to gain what others overlook, which is the prescribed medicine to all wealth,knowledge. The “Have” not’s don’t have because they sacrifice much to loose big and eventually give up their rights to loose it all to a poverty mind. I don’t believe that everyone wants to stay at this level. I believe that what you don’t know will possibly kill you, but what you fail to learn is seemly your responsibility. Who doesn't want to have wealth? I know for one I do. For myself acquiring the wealth I want is closer to me now than it’s ever been. My wealth is associated with my success. Executing my plans and achieving goals is the wealth I desire. If any of these things don’t bring me wealth from the world, my greatest wealth will be what I didn't allow my focus to remain on. We must change our poverty mind to a wealthy mind. For those that are wealth conscious this way is the only way. How you go about your daily routine is how you will live out the rest of your life. Become more aware of what you do and how you affect your environment. Your associations keep you where you and place you where your thoughts allow you to be. If you never ask how, you will never know when. Make a change today to go and grow from the state your in. Wealth can only be sustained through knowledge.
“Ignorance closes doors, Knowledge opens them”
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