Monday, July 30, 2012

Stabilized Associations

Before there can be any type of friendship, associations must mature from an immature state. If we get ahead of the development stage then we will be awaken to deficiencies within the connection. The handicap in the association will hinder the relationship from ever maturing. And we are reluctant to see it in the beginning phases because we want what we want and were focused on getting just that. In exchange we become caretakers of the handicap. Common grounds must stabilize the foundation of the relationship. If two people have a difference of opinions and agree on nothing then the grounds in which they stand on will be unsettling. Earthquakes happen when two plates push or slip against each other which are called the “fault” and they break because of the built up pressure. And the breaking point is called the “focus”. When there is fault in the relationship the primary focus gets lost in between the connection and the miscommunication. How we stabilize the association is by determining in the beginning the type of relationship that could mature from the association. Second never deviate off the initial course and third never allow conflict to go on unresolved. You’ll be better off not worrying about what you don’t understand more so than trying to understand what you’re worrying about.  

Duly Noted and Marked 

Monday, July 23, 2012

Mood Swings

If in life you experience any uncertainty you could be possibly experiencing a mood swing. We have adapted to call such things as how we see them, but in fact we never call such things as they are.  When matters are uncertain we call me them emotions of confusion.  And we doubt every move that we make. When you are confused it only entreaties other individuals that are in similar states, and once aggregated onsets conflict. Keep in mind that if you stay focus then you’ll see what’s ahead before it starts. Don’t deviate from your first initial reply, it could be the answer to the question. But if you add additional answers to one question then you’ll be trodden down by misperception.  Only pay attention to the voice of reason and not reaction. The voice of reason gives us the “Peace of Mind”, while the voice of reaction gives us double minded thinking with no solution. If it has you to second guess then it will cause you to see things that are not there and irrelevant. Be careful when you become upset by someone else’s mood pattern, when their off it’ll set you off too. The best remedy for that is to; allow anyone that close to you, to remain where they are and for you to get far away. 

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, July 16, 2012


Across the country our nations are experiencing an uproar that is causing divisionism.  Unlike any other time in our nation’s history has the world been tilted on its axis by shifts in power and control.  The world has been moving at a steady pace to insure that time will not run out if were unable to keep the peace amongst ourselves and our camaraderie’s. It’s not just a country or nation that is at ends, it’s the state of warfare in our own backyards that are sending you and I into frenzy. We are losing control over the next generation. If we can’t lead by example who will they follow or turn too. Poverty and jobs are at a high and low. And just because a few of us are living comfortably we forget about the ones that are in need of what we have to offer. How dare us to achieve and leave those standing behind to fall. Some of us have built shaky grounds that are unsettling and at any time we can fall through the cracks and be forgotten. This cannot be and we shouldn’t allow it to exist. Each morning comes as a surprise, as to what the day may bring, but without mornings there would be no new day. You have in your control and power to make this World not just a better place, but a World that cares for the wellbeing of everyone.

Duly Noted and Marked 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Moment of Truth

“This the moment of truth either we win or we loose”…..Whitney Houston

A moment can alter our lives. Let today be your guide and let tomorrow be your focus. Move forward and push harder to achieve. A mind is a terrible thing to waste, if you let your thoughts waste away. Be careful of what you take in and be careful to not tolerate anything less than what you would give. People can rub you in all directions and you’ll take part in how it is perceived. Let your mouth be an additive to where you see your life headed. Speak well of all things, good or wrong, everything has a purpose. For most of us being hurt produced some of the best decisions. We didn’t allow our emotion to take over life; instead we used it to tell one of the best comeback stories. How we made it over and how we won’t go back. Bruised but not broken, wounded but able to arise to any occasion.  

Personal note from the writer to you: You are smarter than what “they” think.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, July 9, 2012

Beyond Your Ability

“Keep the Faith even when it is beyond your ability”

I often wonder why it is so hard to remain focus. Is it because we allow our situations to gain our attention or is because we feel incompetent to gain momentum. When we set our minds on the things that are beyond us, we set our focus on the things that will get in our way. Warning signs don’t flash until we look for the dangers signs when were opted to think out of our comfort zone. Our abilities are the microscopic forces that amplify what we can do when we place our Faith in the right hands. You and I can and will achieve what we have begun. This message is an important message to ring though out the remaining week. Your success is resting on your ability to remain focus. Now is not the time to scramble your thoughts on provoking obstacles that stand in front of you to block you from seeing. Use the power that you have to command what is before you to move out of your way. The end result will prove to be a satisfying victory.

Duly Noted and Marked 

Monday, July 2, 2012

Would it be Right?

Decisions Decisions we struggle with making the right ones so that we don't make the wrong ones. It would be easy if life gave you directions and they were already laid out for you to follow. Just as simple as that would be, life is even the more complicated. We get caught up in the fact of what our minds says and what our heart won't listen to. Those two are in constant conflict, but the one thing they agree on is the one thing we hate to admit. When the truth makes us free, we untangle ourselves from the web in which we created. Decisions are congregated by choices and implementation. How we handle the two will decipher what decision to make. Hence wise the truth in the matter will be what we are able to live with. Right or wrong decisions still end up being one's move to make.

Duly Noted and Marked