Monday, July 23, 2012

Mood Swings

If in life you experience any uncertainty you could be possibly experiencing a mood swing. We have adapted to call such things as how we see them, but in fact we never call such things as they are.  When matters are uncertain we call me them emotions of confusion.  And we doubt every move that we make. When you are confused it only entreaties other individuals that are in similar states, and once aggregated onsets conflict. Keep in mind that if you stay focus then you’ll see what’s ahead before it starts. Don’t deviate from your first initial reply, it could be the answer to the question. But if you add additional answers to one question then you’ll be trodden down by misperception.  Only pay attention to the voice of reason and not reaction. The voice of reason gives us the “Peace of Mind”, while the voice of reaction gives us double minded thinking with no solution. If it has you to second guess then it will cause you to see things that are not there and irrelevant. Be careful when you become upset by someone else’s mood pattern, when their off it’ll set you off too. The best remedy for that is to; allow anyone that close to you, to remain where they are and for you to get far away. 

Duly Noted and Marked

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