Monday, December 26, 2011

Apparently So

One nation living under one code and living beneath its honor. Our nation has ratified and endorsed the commonalities of other beliefs to belittle our salute to the one God who saw fit for a nation to be separated to protect what we held true. This very nature has become apparent in our daily lives. We as a people look for solutions that heed to our way of thought to justify our actions. This is why our nations have looked to other beliefs and counsel to defend their cause with their action. How often do we look for people to tell us we are right when in fact if truth was to make us free we rather be bound? Everyone one is made differently and quite unique to fit into a maze that has separate beginnings and endings. All of us will not start or end at the same time but the course will take us to a designated place where we will eventually be able to tell someone about our quest. Our daily bread is meat for others to feast on. Ordinary people use tools that consequently provide temporary relief that enables lifelong ailments. Seek wise counsel carefully. Don’t always look to be told you are right, pay attention and be mindful of what is being said. Being taught is never feeling as if you know more than anyone. You may in fact inject your own poison and then you will infect others. What good is it for others to learn and not share but what good is it to share and for other to not listen? I remember what my mother use to tell me growing up,” A hard head makes a soft behind”, the reason being if you don’t listen you will suffer the consequences.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, December 19, 2011

Wait on Patience

This is my prayer for today, “Lord allow me to wait on patience”. During the process of a day it’s easy to be moved into a location that will steadfastly give results but result inaccuracy. In order to wait you have to heed to the inner spirit that tells you to listen first before proceeding. Patience comes as a testament of your faith encompassing with your will to act accordingly. The mountain never seems that great until you and the distance becomes relative rather than figurative. The climb is never the hardest it’s the training that you must pass first in order to proceed. The practice makes perfect method is one that we seem to regret. We become tired of the reciprocal effect of the imperfection in spite of acknowledging the fact that one must rehearse in order to become great. It’s tiresome to others but beneficial to many. If we give enough of ourselves to the work that must be done while waiting. Our patience will supplement the time with quantifiable produce that will create stability and longevity.  

Duly Noted and Marked  

Monday, December 12, 2011

Just When

Just when you thought you had love all figured out and you thought to yourself why share it? All of a sudden someone new walks into your world and shifts the axis into a new position. Love is like a letter it’s written the way you see it . There will be new people that come into your life that will draw tension to your hearts desperation to love. Broken pieces to a jagged past can allow a person to miss out on one of the best gifts given. What brings out the best in you will be the thing that brings you the most pain. Show gratitude towards the people that have voluntary left your life, thank them for showing a side of them that you did not know existed. The best part about a person’ past is that people were extras in roles that got cut before the curtains lifted. As soon as they left your life you were the one who gained the most from it all. Just when you feel that you have learned all that you should, there is an unfamiliar part of you that grabs your immediate attention. The part of you that loves yourself beyond reasonable doubt.  It’s been in you, finding it wasn’t easy but worth all the pain it endured. You will never know yourself until you have been tried in every area of your life. Good people are hard to find and when you have found someone worth keeping, hold on to them until they decide to let you go. And if they can compute value then they will know your worth. Life is full of surprises everyday is an adventure waiting for you to unleash the treasures that are in store for you.

Duly Noted and Marked

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

So Perfect

A moment to share.........

How can I be so perfect in your eyes when all I see are flaws? How do you find me attractive enough that you fall in love with the beauty that beholds only scars? Torn into shreds by those whom had called me lover and friend. The one true person who held truth to the lies to the end was me. I assumed that it lied within me. Masked in between betrayal, lies and the lies that covered up other lies. Which were used to deceive me? Being so perfect has left me feeling that perfect could never be. These pieces of torn fragments of dignity, left scars of an untouched, unmanned not so perfect being. Coming into who has made me, helped me to realize that it was “he” who had made me glad. Unmasked my mask of what I saw that was not so perfect. To heal the scars of what was torn, to mold in me a radiance of Glory into the so perfect me.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, December 5, 2011

Plan A

Plans are a structured effort to succeed with a goal in mind. We place great infancies on our plans because they tend to be the beginning of what could possibly be our greatest accomplishments. Often times we veer from our plans due to an offset or a restart button that has us on rewind, living out our day to day over and over again. Our plan A doesn’t have to fall behind our plan B. Our plan B is a safety net that holds us up when we fall, just in case if our plan A doesn’t plan out. The plan B should be an inoperative measure used only when needed and applied only when necessary. In fact it should be last resort only when we have made our final attempt and every occurrence has come back unrewarding.  Sticking it out to the end doesn’t make you a fool it makes you into a great leader. Leaders plan for all occasions and used their secret weapon last not first.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, November 28, 2011

Only Human

“He that finds fault in others will find fault within themselves”

Human weaknesses are set off by the tone of speech one uses to undermine their abilities. We are creatures by habitual tendencies and often time we get stuck into doing what we know to be wrong, but what seems to be right. We’ve become accustomed to what’s customary when looking at lives to mirror our own reflection. We’ve become indecisive about our decisions and we have turned to people that gave us room to speak, which only added to frustration. Our existence has been based on what someone else thought it should be. Trying to live up to expectations has left us if not all of us wallowing and feeling inadequate. Having alternatives is a choice, one of many if you allow yourself to make. It’s hard to leave what you know to find what you are looking for. Each day sheds light on our mishaps. If we miss out on what happening then our misfortunes can’t become our best learning tools. Eventually it will work to benefit you. Instead of choices were given chances and either way I rather make the choice to take the chance. You grant your own access so use what you got.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, November 21, 2011

You’re Spectacular

A devoted human being in pursuit of an unidentified distinctiveness, that is all of your own, but not of your own doing. Something about who you are makes you out to be someone so spectacular.  You have navigated your way through life figuring out the highs and lows of life issues that tried to ridicule and contradict your every move. The infliction left you out in the open bare for the whole world to see. But you conserved your dignity and stood in the middle of it all taking on different forms to suit the occurrences and setting yourself up to change the outcomes. You carved out of your heart the ache that took away your desire to love and added depth to your soul to open up your heart once more. The mini storms that became many washed away the filth that was left behind and the residue that remained unseen. A rare beauty you have become suited for a coat of many colors distinctively made for you to showcase the bountiful blessings that you are in wait to receive.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, November 14, 2011

Where do we go from here?

It’s not as if we can start are lives over from day one. But day by day we can take advantage of our lives by instilling the law of multiple proportions into our minds. Things cannot be unless we set them in motion to offset one another. When you follow order then you are realigning your life to reap rewards. We are a people that look for ways to gainfully secure our lives with the wealth of riches. Money isn’t everything but it makes life a bit easier to cope. There can’t be enough good things to say about health and family security because you can not pay back if you loose either one. In order to accomplish all that we hear, see and speak we must learn to humble ourselves, speak our minds when called to do so and be able to give what so ever is asked. One cannot lead unless they are taught and learn the value of being lead. You gain from what you have learned but you experience all that you have been taught. It’s key that we all do not miss out on the important factor and that is to keep a mind that is stable. If you do that then your life will always be fruitful.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, November 7, 2011


Rolling three the hard way is an impossible odd. You don’t know how the dice will land before you roll. Making unsure moves and changes can disrupt your mind from processing thoughts based on logic and common sense. Our mind is not equipped to deal with adjustments in our routinely schedule day that don’t compute with our daily lives. How does one get over the hurdle of making what sounds like a rash decision, by leaving logic to philosophize thinkers and processing thoughts that bring you joy. Joy is not a word we use often because we don’t describe joy as a feeling. Joy is the forefront for happiness. You can’t be happy unless you have found joy. There will be a ripple effect when you realize that joy is a guiding light in addition to making the choices that offer great benefits. Your success will be based on the joy that you have found. Joy is there for those that are seekers and for those who rely on it as a necessity. Allowing it to shine in the midst of your dimmest days will bring clarity to your direction.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, October 31, 2011


Our internal thoughts can trigger our motives. Unintentional thoughts could became life threaten. It’s hard to learn lessons when we don’t realize our mistakes. Guarding what you hold valuable is not a foolish action, it’s a wise decision. Your now recognizing worth and value and that only the part that is necessary can be given. Priceless items are never auctioned off; it is mounted for all to see. Hence wise we should never place value on our possessions; we have it to be shared. We should give enough of ourselves so that we are fulfilled internally. Keep your mind stable by doing the right thing. Stick to what your mind tells you. Always listen for direction when people talk. Be carefully aware of the indicators. Flattery only fills the head of someone’s superficial ego, but it does nothing for the base of your plans. Avoid jumping in too deep; the lower you go the more intense it becomes. Gather all your facts first. And don’t allow garbage to deposit into your system, it’s a waste of time.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, October 24, 2011

In Numbers

A relationship can be one of many or very few. We tend to monopolize relationships to suit our own image. While going after what we crave we try to draw in others to choose the same path. With all intention on seeking approval from our relationships, each individual is set in directions to figure out an aptitude of complex courses to venture onto. The base of finding individuality can not settle on someone else’s made up implantation of what someone life should seem. The intricate detail of who we are is fastened by the twining of our own will and power that is of our own countenance. You are only valuable if there is a need of you. We can miss the value of people when we don’t allow them to find their own way. Relationships don’t stand alone, but in numbers. If there is no room for growth in the relationships then there is no life expectancy. Relationships that have you going around in circles will only make you dizzy and relatively unfocused. If one is behind extend your hand for as long as it is needed, but only if it is reached for. Extension is not based on time but length. In yet there are always cutoffs.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, October 17, 2011

What You Can’t See

Complaining about the things that you don’t go after doesn’t make any sense. You place yourself in an unlawful position of uncertainty when you do. What has not been written can not be seen if it hasn’t been first told. The underlying fact is that we don’t believe in ourselves. Believing and achieving is a balancing act. In order to do both you must be able to take on the two simultaneously. What we lack is tenacity. Were always looking for something that mirrors what we want to have, but lack the drive to go after it. It is a constant battle with our mind to believe in ourselves. We can’t face obstacles with defeat in mind. If you focus in on what you can’t see then you have already set yourself up to relinquish your positioning. When you overtake your mind with the thought of winning then you become a winner. One of greatest achievement that you will accomplish will be is to envision yourself winning without sight. We are in lateral moves in are lives right now. And the only way to turn is right.  This is not a time to close your eyes, but a time to see with your eyes open and focus on what’s ahead.

Duly Noted and Marked

Friday, October 14, 2011

But You Said

The word of truth has to come from someone who is truth worthy. You can’t say one thing one day and then take what you say to justify how you really want to live. Whose fault would it be if what you say holds the next decision in someone’s life? But then they can’t take you serious enough because you live a life that is full of distractions. Distractions are blinders to the truth and what can also be a lie. These are people who will always remind you of who they are and then proceed to justify why they are the way that they are. Which leaves you and I more confused from the start of the conversation to the end. The gifts that you have can not be reciprocated if they are not used wisely. Situational outcomes will not give way if you fail to not live according to what you said. It’s not the person fault if they fail to listen its yours because you've failed yourself. If we fail one another then we will fall into traps that are laid to keep us bound. You are what we see. Masks are used to disguise identity if you never take it off then you can’t reveal who you are.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, October 10, 2011

In Between Moments

In between moments of disappointments we find ourselves in a state of weakness. Broken by trust,respect and the lack there of and momentary set backs. Our mind is in constant denial of the circumstances or situations that has lead us to this point. We rather put emphasis on ourselves and the problem, but never on the answer. How do you get out of this is by checking out what is around you. The people in your corner should be able to tell you the truth about you and not based on their opinions. Friends won't lead you any other way than the right way. But will help you set yourself in motion to stay focus. A friends perspective is based on who they know you are and what they know you could be. Get rid of excess. Everything excessive requires to much attention. If one thing has you in thought for too long it does you more harm than good that's excessive. Get out of the rut of not managing your time. Time has never been your enemy. It's set in motion to benefit you. Goals are planned with time limits. You can change the time on your goals, but changing the time will leave you making up time and once time is gone it's gone.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, October 3, 2011

Full Production

We are a product of conception, but internally we are a product of interception. One of the basic elements that are on a virtual display surrounded by spectators and on lookers is what we say we represent. It’s not always about articulation and how well you can exegete a conversation or fan dazzle your way in dialogue. But your body orientation and posture should line up with the word. This is done simultaneously and is yet undetected, but very well noticeable. Body language can interpret signs that your mouth won’t say, but what your mind is thinking. Your commentators will be the first to pre-judge and post-judge your production. You’re an “Ad”, never knowing when you will be primed and pulled. Quality is not produced in quantity, but what is behind the intent. Building blocks that are designed for the product arrival will not be ready until the product goes into “Full Production”. Full Production will only proceed when what you say is what you see.

Duly Noted and Marked

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Who's Loving You

To say you love someone is not a choice anymore. The more we rely on what we felt tends to blindside what the truth holds. We figure the more we tell someone the more they would feel the same way. The choice of whom to love or who to allow to love us, is not depicted on who is involved. It’s based on a deep inner notion of what it is about that person who you love? To be aware of love is to say the word, but to show love is to never forget why? Love is more than just a feeling or an engagement it is simply a thought. You will never forget who you have loved, but you will be able to assess why and move on. It is a strong word with different encounters but one meaning. Don’t confuse love and like, they have two separate causes of action and thought. Focus in on the meaning of the word and what it is to love someone. The pivotal factor of the word will be when you’re able to allow it to enter and you’re able to let it leave. That day comes when you never give up on loving yourself first.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, September 26, 2011

Common Chances

Taking chances gives you the incentive to play the game of life without loosing anything. Being stagnate is not apart of our make-up. Disguising your potential is left up to you. The longer you hide yourself depletes any chance to monopolize on your resources. This seems redundant to some, but to the few of us that don’t mind hearing it again, we take in mind to accept it. No matter how hard you play never leave it up to the game to decide. Strategize a plan, write out your thoughts and place what you have on the line, it’s a chance that you must take. Never allow your opponents to see you compromise. When you compromise then you will settle for anyone with anything to give or say. You are tailored to perfection, with precision cuts, well crafted by the “hand” and specially designed for the right fitting. Wear what you have well and master the talents that you have been afforded. Solemnly swear to keep the truth on the inside of you. It has access to decipher what is right and what’s not so. Gain counsel from whom who you see from afar, but their works are in plain view. Others deal with life based off of your potential. Not a bad thing, but seeking their opinions may not always work out in your favor. Some people’s thoughts are limited, few are limitless and the others are simply misguided. Do not set yourself up to fall amongst these. There is a remnant of believers who are taking chances and not leaving it up to destiny to determine which way to go. The few are allowing destiny to chase after them. Ever so often we will be presented with the chance to change our course. You may deviate from your plans, but when opportunity is in your face. Face it head on and chance what will be a life changing experience, one to write about.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, September 19, 2011

To Gain is to Acquire Key Access

 We are in one of the greatest “times” of our lives. To gain access to the POWER that resides in our secret places is where our strength lies. Along with our Faith, Will and our pursuit of true Identity will only exist if we decide to stand on the front line to lead the way. Were shown the way by our Faith, which has allowed us to see, hear and now walk by example. We have allowed ourselves to fully engage in what God has set before us. During times pass we were unworthy, but to him being who he is he gives us chance after consequence and another chance to get it right. The more we expect God to do it; he will give us access to key insight. Accept in this moment that things are changing. And remember that this moment doesn’t last very long. As soon you gain the concept to what has been laid before you, then the past moments will be as distant as yesterday. We have to see for ourselves and within ourselves. That the things that are hidden to others are what we should keep to ourselves. I am who I am because of what I do in secret. What I allowed to be revealed is in the hands of whom I am connected to share with. We all tread on shallow waters that have a deep depth. It’s hard for us not to gloat about where were headed. It doesn’t mean that were vain and we glory only in ourselves. But we know that we are insured a promise. And when we think that our end has finally run its course, we embark on a new journey. If we hold up the end of the bargain we will never loose access to the keys that awaits opportunity at each door. What I love about God is that he knows what’s best for us when we think otherwise.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, September 12, 2011

One and One Equals Power

A stand alone number such as the number one, is an infinite number having negative and positive factors. A shadowed reflection is what accompanies a singular entity. A number combined together produces multiple results. The power of two takes on a new form, joined side by side affirms the construction of the human anatomy. When you have two hands it makes work simpler, using your two legs it makes movement more feasible and with both of your eyes it brings your focus into light. No one person can complete a good work alone. Our world has it backwards, thinking that going to the top is of your own doing, its an inhumane way of thought. But what and who confirms who you are is initiated by the mouth of someone else. You will never be anything to anyone with out the help of others. Again the emphasis of one added with another, takes on a great source which is your “power”, to produce a support network that is molded together to strengthen the “one”.  Essentially one may position itself apart but a joint union is what is divine.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, September 5, 2011

Regrettable Facts

A lie and the truth can be split three different ways. Between yourself another party and the actual event. Even though you still have complete control on how you will respond. What initially will hold you back will be regret. Knowing what transpired either intentional or not. The reality from it leaves damages that takes years of cleaning up. After the aftermath we recount how we could have handled it differently. We point fingers at ourselves, the situation and who was involved. We never achieve any solution by rehashing the past. Looking forward but moonwalking backwards inhabits our cognitive receptors by limiting our growth. Regret is your past. Unattach yourself from what is holding up your progress. And take on a new mind to give regret no more allotted time, it's useless and wasteful.

Duly Notes and Marked

Monday, August 29, 2011

Dedicated Time

Dedicated to the one I love and who I trust....

Dedication releases the phobia of being tied to a lifelong commitment. In some instances our individual lust looses its desire to continue pursuing after the heart of the matter. But the intentions behind it thrust you into areas where the heart can't go and where your mind takes over. Focusing on what we don't have hinders our ability to reach into a realm that seals the bond between present and future. Lay hands on the possibilities that reside with knowing what could intentionally be and become. Perseverance through dedication gives us enough reason to hold on to our failures and make many attempts to conquer our fears. Our will is dead when we possess powerless ideologies with no real intent on succeeding. A residue of bad judgment calls of times past has left damaged products in your possession. Get rid of the no good goods, their useless property of no worth. Dedicate time, energy and space to where there is a need of your talents. The more you dedicate, the more assistance you will receive to follow suit after the matter of your heart.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, August 22, 2011

Checked and Balance

Move into your Future of Tomorrow with it being your Present Day…..

When writing your list of goals to complete and propose time and date to adhere by. This establishes the initial plan of action and placement of occurrences, to align themselves according to preparation. The list is a proven indicator for you to use as a tool to support your concrete evidence for foundational purposes. Once you have, "Checked and Balance" the lists, then you have not failed to attempt what you originally had in mind. Personal goals are singular objectives, deeming the word ‘person and personal’. You are only accountable to you. And if you decide to share with others now the liability is split. The partner (friend, spouse etc...) now has equal rights to hold you accountable to redeem your word. What good is your word if you decided to go back on it? You become incomparable, with your ideas, your focus and what you proclaimed seems bleak. Modifying yours goals leaves room for you to stay in tact. Never deviate from your list, only when making minor adjustments. Checking your goals recurrently, solidify an operational move into your future. Rational thinking people would look at the obvious and say that realistic goals should have realistic outcomes. Radical thinking people set impractical targets to have others watch their every move and provoke thought profound equations that don’t necessarily add up, making one ‘indispensable and high profiled’. Life is set up to challenge you and not to hinder you. You’re responsible for that.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, August 15, 2011

Present To Past To Future

Don't let today’s situation take you back or remind you of your once elusive past. Get rid of ineffective things and pointless people that are living in “your” past. Congregate no more with the things that submerge you to a place of unsatisfactory results. Negative characteristic traits meshed with your positive disposition will either one, “hinder your straight way path and veer you off course” or two, “leave you stranded in a familiar place feeling unfamiliar”. Peculiar individuals, who like to dwell in the past, live in the past and cause the past to relive itself. This customary action requires more attention than those who live in the present tense. Contentious people seek others who are unaware, in hopes to influence and cause them to be as unproductive and dissatisfied as they are with themselves. The population of “pothole” people has increased. The intensity behind joining the “pothole” thinker alliance has come out in droves to promote unsuccessful, unusual, unfilled, unviable and pompous people who think that the world is there revolving door. When you intermix with “pothole” contributors you mix breed your assumed roles in life. You have now caused an infection called hesitation to seep through your core. The secret to getting rid of the infection is resistance. Never give into temptation and lead yourself out, in ordered to be delivered from their inhabitants that is causing an alteration in your future.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, August 8, 2011

Encouraged In Season

All things are coming together to workout on your behalf. And then all of a sudden you’re hit with disappointment. The very people that you thought were standing behind you end up leaving you. The new job that you accepted turned out to be not what you intended. Your family calls you unexpectedly to handle choices and decision that are not yours to make. And the bills don’t get any less, they continue to pile up until you can seem to figure them out. How do you continue to encourage yourself when it seems as if every angle or turn you make, turns you right back around? And you wonder day and night about the next move. Either it can catapult you to your next chapter or send you to plummet to an abyss of darkness. What does one do when it seems as if you’re on the brink of something great and then all of a sudden, something hits you from behind to remind you of what you wanted to forget? When confronted with difficulty we seemed to handle it the way it is given, confused and dismayed. Confused by what has transpired and dismayed by how to handle it. We have to remind ourselves that what we endure is working toward the workings of something great. Keep in mind that this is the very process that you must go through before you reach where you’re being directed to. “Process and Purpose” work hand in hand. Say it with me, “Process and Purpose” work hand in hand. You can’t reach purpose until you go through the process. Discouragement gives way for you to Encourage yourself in these times. As the sun shines in the day and the moon by night, hope is given to those who seek the light. You can’t set yourself free if you can’t find what you’re looking for in dark places. Yield to where the light is shinning so when you see the reflective light you will also see yourself in the reflection.  

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, August 1, 2011

Get Ready and Go

This is not a race for speed this is a race for position. Your opponent is time, fear, and opposition. Anything and anyone that stands in your way you must be determined to hurdle over and around it. During the course you will see yourself closer to the finish line, than from when you first started. The difficulty of understanding the “How can I” and “I will no matter what” will be a major factor to thrust you into your seasonal change.  Allowing the change to sculpt you takes an unordinary person with a keen sense who accepts and is in place for the ready position. Getting in the position of “Ready” will be for others to see and model after. The only one who is set to win is you. As you pass by fear you gain faith. As you pass by time you gain endurance and when face with opposition you endure until the end. When you first start at “Go” the focus should be to run the race as smart as you can. It takes a strategic planner to gain access to where you are set to be. If you allow the adversary to hinder you from the race, you will loose all will to succeed. Being ready is always a position to be in. Set yourself up to believe that what you’re about to face will only be used as a tool to set you into for your future. Take off at full speed ahead and once you have passed “Go” and collect what’s yours, never look backwards again.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, July 25, 2011

Book It or Loose It

Often times we pick up magazines for the sake of who is on the cover. And we surpass the highlighted features to look for the catch phrases or headlines that gain our attention. We loose the contents of the magazine to gain an appetite for the latest news on the who’ who’s to fulfill our self gratification for someone else life. We indulge in the drama filled or drama contented lives to getaway from our own. Mystical as it might sound but notable truth worthy. We buy things that are of no value to loose even more value by the content in which we allow ourselves to endure. We as a people a body of a nation have gone wrong with buying things that are inconspicuous to the eye but it endangers our cognitive processes and allowed for "trash" to inhabit our mind which makes it hard to distinguish between what we know to be truth and what our “fixated” reality calls truth. What we say and how we live are replicas of what we take in. We don't pick up books anymore to sustain and fill our zest for life to gain knowledge which has been written and hidden from those who don't seek to find. We have lost a great value to our society. Books are the basic fundamentals to the building blocks for which our nation has set its foundation on.  Books have become an endangered species in our communities. Once upon a time (which seems so long ago) books were necessary in schools, homes and the start of initial conversation. Libraries have become an extinct place where now they use gimmicks and ploys to make it more exciting for people to visit.  And a library card is “faux pas” to have. The English language has now been broken down into disjunctive lettering that makes for broken speech and improper dictation imbolent. The onset of first learning how to read started with a book and nowadays a text message has become our source of reading and learning. Were leaving this generation with a broken disfigurement of a culture and language that was once the leading source to break barriers and mold together people who wanted to be taught and wanted to learn. Books have provided through out centuries an array of historical facts that has taught each generation about the time before. Literature is not just to appease us it’s to delectable subdue our delight to fascinate our intellect. We will be the lost cause to the future generation if we allow for the misuse of books to go untouched and unrivaled by the minds of those who seek wisdom. We have to stand up to propaganda and to those who try to impute impure or immoral funderment to gain a more sustainable audience. We haven’t lost yet but we will only stay in the race if we stay ahead. The sure fire way to, is to always learn your opponent by opening up the book and reading the fine print.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, July 18, 2011

Defined Beauty

The defining factor of what one would call beauty or beautiful is and will always be in the eye of one who holds there own perception. Beauty is not linked to what one or two people may call beautiful from physical attributes, but from the reflection of how one would define it. A woman's view of beauty is aligned with her character and integrity which is an ingrained part of who she is. She holds a voice of her own that is dignified and morally respected .Women are captivating people and their presence alone commands more attention than any main attraction. A soul of woman is her pure in heart nature. The design of her heart is prone to love and to be loved. Men views on beauty are summed up by what they subjectively make out to be beautiful. Similar to women they build beauty on quality and honesty. And what I mean by building is that they place pieces together to create one image or figure of how beauty should be defined. The essence of a man is linked to his heart, if allowed to touch he will open up his world to you. Men are simple creatures by nature, not difficult to understand and so easy to love.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, July 11, 2011

An Undeniable Miracle

You never can imagine the impact you could face within in a split moment in time. Your darkest hour comes when you least expect it to. Coming face to face with tragedy disables ones’ ability to properly function and cope logically with a sound mind. It is just as if being disabled and loosing all mobile body function. Being tugged and pulled into different direction and loosing all sight in which way to turn could send someone who is not equipped to spiral out of control. And when it seems as if nothing is getting better it gets worse. An indicator of someone who possesses power in the midst of tragedy is some one with the mindset to WIN. Going against all odds and betting even when the chips are down. Perseverance is tested, family life is shaken but the fortitude of love is the only thing holding it all together. Your brightest days do not come from when everything seems better it’s when you believe the promise of a Miracle is not afar off. Closer than the eyes can see that “An Undeniable Miracle”, is just as close as if you deem it to be. Which changes predicted outcomes to unexplainable victories.  We all can attest to the reality that miracles are an undeniable truth and are relevant to this present day. We can prove scientific factual studies invalid by redeeming noteworthy based findings on Miracles that exist.

Miracle 2011(Based on Real Findings)

Death was at her door. Given a slim chance to pull through. And the heavy weight that burden her family came to much to bare. The imaginable thing to do was to give up but the unimaginable was to have faith to see past what was in front, but to rely on the future ahead. After numerous diagnosis and many attempts to find a solution that worked. What never failed was prayer. During this time it gave hope and it redeemed the faith of her love ones. She is the “Undeniable Miracle” that came back from deaths arms and walked into a new profound Glory. A born fighter indeed. She never gave in and her family never gave up. Her recovery befuddled Scientific Medical Findings and stunned notable Surgeons that had years of experience. An Undeniable Miracle indeed to leave her mark that will forever change the thought of Miracles that are noted as not valued but real to life. A living testament to what Miracles are and if you only believe. I am proud of you (Toni) your fight, your courage to hold on will always be remembered for years to come. And to JC a definition of what a great husband, provider and a best friend to your wife is beyond applause. I salute you my brother. The best is not yet to come for you too, its already here.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, July 4, 2011

Waste Not Want Not

During our different phases of growth,it is now prevalent to see the areas in our lives changing as we are patiently waiting our expectant end. We've wasted enough as it is wondering when and how, and never allowed for what will be shall be. A clear reflection of us wanting is represented by our attitude during the process of the wait. Some of us get frustrated and over excitedly to where we miss the mark. And others wait for the opportunity to leech off of someone else's success. We've tricked ourselves to believe that waiting is what we were suppose to do and working hard is for the next man to do. Change doesn't happen by wanting and waiting. Change happens by working hard and making moves that will yield great results. Solely existing isn't just waking up in the morning. It is proving to yourself, to the people in connection with you and to the world why you have been placed in existence. The inevitable is that you will be great in all that you do. But the evitable is once you have made it, what difference will you make. Cautiously we have to take into account to never waste our talents on seeking frivolous things of no value. And tread lightly when going after substances that never fill and leave you void. Keep in mind that it's a trap to keep you in a state of thinking that what you have been expecting will never be enough. Be careful of those that have not. They will keep you living in fantasy chasing rainbows while gathering behind you all that you have sowed and expect to reap your rewards. Waste not, Want not and leave the Have not's alone.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, June 27, 2011

The Finger

Are we so obsessed with ourselves that we see only ourselves? Why do we count others wrongs and compare them with our rights? What has made us think that we are so great that we take our finger and point at others wrong doings? Mishaps are from mistakes with unsound thought approval. Emotion and bad company has made us to believe that what we feel is right and what others think and say hold truth. We forget to rationalize our thoughts before we take action. And forget in knowing that it take two to make a wrong and one to make it right. As human beings and creatures by habit we take on the atmosphere surrounding us. If we allow our environment to seep into our soul, it will suck the life out of us and leave us empty, destitute and incomplete. If we don't take heed and change our ways we may end up on the other end of the finger.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, June 20, 2011

Trust Me

When in doubt rely on judgment to guide you where trust may mislead you. Rely on those who have placed their trust in you and trust those who have never doubted you. The lying factor between trust and dishonesty is a separation of the facts. Dishonesty damages loyalty while trust bridges the gap between intimate and reliable relationships. We trust those in whom we can depend on. And we depend on those we trust. The obvious would be to allow those who want your trust to gain it, but in order to gain, you must first put forth the effort. Trustworthy people are entrusted with matters of the heart that holds significant value. Be cautious of those who say,"You can Trust Me", red lights should flash as an indicator to be cautious and to take their word lightly not likely. Trust is an active word which requires action. Those that speak of it and never act on it are the ones who know little about the meaning. A key statement to remember is, "Respect is given and Trust is earned". For those that earn your trust are to be noted as trustworthy.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, June 13, 2011

Changing Seasons

Flowers bloom in the Spring as with leaves falls in the Autumn. When Fall changes into Winter its not as drastic as it would be if Winter changed to Summer. We characterize the seasons by the characteristics of nature. In yet we can determine what season is which. Our season is allowed by the act of our day to day attitude. You can change your season from Fall to Summer if you allow your rainy days to become sunny. Sunshine represents growth and life and Rain makes preparation for life in order to grow. In different regions of the world there is time and climate changes.Time preps one for the change while Temperature sets the atmosphere around you. In all the while reaching your final destination that you have chosen. You've equipped yourself with a survival kit that provided patience for the long haul, joy in the midst of the change, peace of mind to allow for the whats to come,gratitude for the appreciation of the outcome and the will to endure the change of the season.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, June 6, 2011

Dying to Live

The thought of loosing your life to your own self will. Seems meaningless to those who have no choice in the matter. Death is the signal to the end mark of the fulfillment of life. In order to see death your life has to have been fulfilled. Life is not only precious to yourself but also to those who are in connection. Life is never your own. You live in order to survive and to survive is to gain the lives of those who you are living for. For those that are deeply tied to family and close friends we see the roles in which we play. And the effect that we have. Never allow selfishness to cloud judgment. The walking dead lives for only self benefit. Living a life only to benefit is like a painting with a priceless price tag only valued upon death. With no real value when appraised. We attain more access to the meaning of life when we value death and see the real rewards of life. Not only will you be awarded for good deeds but the reflection of your deeds will be remembered through the lives that you have touched. Stay connected to living things that breath life and separate from things that suffocate. Before you die you have an obligation to live.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, May 30, 2011

The Gift That Keeps on Giving

No greater gift known to man than to give the gift of Love. Love is freely given and it cost you nothing,but the return is great. Its not easy to go through life loveless. Not experiencing real love and never knowing how to truly love yourself. We all have hopes of Love finding us one day. Love is not blind you can see what's in front of you, that is if you allow yourself too. Love forgives over and over again, but a giving heart knows when to give and when to set themselves free. Love is not hopeless, it will find its way to its rightful place. Love is a battlefield expect to go in to win. True love will stand the testament of time, but genuine love holds time still. Learn to love and when you do, it will come easy.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, May 23, 2011

What is it to Fear?

Fear has been the leading cause to self destruct. Fear has placed our inhabitants in disarray. We not only fear fear we have became what fear looks like. We all have great ideas and inventions that can change our lives and bridge the scope of changing society. But we loose our drive and visual sight to execute them. Our NEXT level of success is contingent upon our act to execute. The fact that fear is a factor allows no room for movement. No one who has ever been successful has never had fear in mind. They were wise enough to allow fear to play fear against itself. No greater push than to have fear working for you rather than against you. Fearing yourself is the means to challenge yourself to become smarter in the sense of recognizing the negatives ahead of time. Your talent rest in your hands. You hold today accountable for what you plan on doing, based upon the decisions you make. Fear has not deemed you incomparable. It has placed achievement in front of you. You have the tools now use it to your advantage.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, May 16, 2011

Adding To The Old

How do you add to something that has surpassed it's relative growth period.Would you not agree that with time comes age and placement? Age was never intended on being a number that indicated where you should be. Age was set so that one could look forward to whats ahead and adding additions to improving what was already in place. You can't never add to anything old to make it new. You just make it better. For example, when remodeling a home. You can't make a home new again after the structure has been set. You can only make improvements. And usually when you make improvements you start one section at a time. Making sure what you have envisioned is what you will see. Attention to detail will show forth all the work that been in place since the start. Age is just a number and as the years go by we do get older, but we add on wisdom, patience, experience, knowledge, which are key factors that makes adding to age worth growing older. Time doesn't always tell age we do by the way we add to our lives.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, May 9, 2011


Bringing back to existence what was once gone. As we are closely approaching the end of the year. The midway mark is where the most important improvements are achieved. At this point it shows a person admiration toward future planned goals,which are in motion in this present appointed time. We are in total control of our actions. Dead things can breathe again. Breathing the breathe of life can be revived by the things that want to live. By living you write out Resolutions and Goals so that you can visualize a planned course of action. These visions are placed in the minds and hearts of those who actually believe that unrealistic Resolutions and Goals can become in fact possible. Being realistic is realizing that realism is manifested first by the thought of it and then by the process. Allow yourself to take deep breaths. Oxygen is needed in order to help your brain function properly. The brain is resuscitated by the very action of the flow of air. Not only do we take for granted proper functions of the human body. We also take for granted "opportunity". Opportunity is like breathing you know you have to do so in order to survive. So why not let opportunity be your life line to success. Take advantage of all opportunities given at every chance you get by resuscitating the  existence of self and being.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, May 2, 2011

Making The Change

Changing yourself to become better can be a hard task to accomplish. That is if you allow the complexity of the change to redeem itself to be difficult. If we allow change to become apart of our quest to enrich our lives with an unfamiliar move into a position that causes us to act in such away that we have never done before. Then we will embark on a pathway that is aligned with our true self-identity. Identity can be misguided or mislead if you allow your emotions to take "Power" over you. Other peoples responses can move you out of position and cause your identity to be lost. I call this the "The Temporary Amnesia Effect". Where you question who and whom you are. You can not for any amount of your time and effort to be obsolete. When you dream its not someones elses dream that you are dreaming. You are actually living out how your life is meant to be set up. If you believe in your dreams then your dreams will eventually become your reality. Today take on a new thought. Allow yourself to stay in position, focus on your identity, seek out the unfamiliar and never allow anyone to misguide you away from your Dreams.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, April 25, 2011

Grand Opening Day

Thank you All from the bottom of my heart for inspiring me. If it had not been for you I would not have became me. You have placed an everlasting "mark" in my life that divulged a change in me. This blog is to share with each of you and those you inspire to develop a sense of becoming the "changed" you. If you have not changed from your then into your now, then you have not lived life at all. Any type of movement brings about progression and progression brings about experiences and experiences brings forth change. Either good or bad you have learned the very essence of life lessons. All the main important ones begun before you were able to walk. And once you took your first step your whole life "changed". We will embark on this road together. Making causal pit stops but initially staying on our planned course. Each of us will make our "mark", by standing by one another and allowing "change" to change the rest of our lives forever.

Duly Noted and Marked