Monday, December 31, 2012

Acceptable Year

This New Year is filled with promise and purpose all rolled in to one. With the same enthusiasm that builds up to the momentum we have to exasperate all avenues to produce the results we want. And there is no mistakes about it nor will I make any excuses that will allow it to look any other way than it should. We often criticize the outtake rather than taking everything in before the picture becomes painted perfect in view. Instead of trying to mend things back to original shape we have to allow it to break off from the ends so it won't damage the roots. I appreciate all that this year has brought on and I am even the more receptive to what the outcome came out to be. My "New Year" set in before the year began which made 2012 a distant memory. I'm hopeful of 2013 and I'm branding that this is the "Acceptable Year of The Lord". Which means for me and hopefully for you too that all things are possible if you just believe that "He" can and "He" will.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, December 24, 2012

This Eve

On "This Eve", for some of us we're planning what we will do on the morrow, what favorite Christmas sweater to put on, preferably the one that lights up and what gifts we're expecting to receive. But let's not forget what we have is so that others may have too. Giving and sharing is more than what we should do during the Holiday Seasons. It is what we all need to do year around. I encourage each of you today to do something that is out of yourself so that someone else can benefit. Even if it means sacrificing your time to give. Take on the spirit in which we are celebrating and apply it so that the reward would be beyond a present but a spiritual enlightenment. It is better to give than to receive and more importantly what you do today and tomorrow will be a reflection of what you will be venturing after for 2013. Choose the hour spent wisely because your present will be what your future holds. Make life worthwhile and worth living for. The foolish lives for today but the wise plans ahead and uses the tools to leverage the advantage.

"The past is gone forever, unable to be tapered nor changed. The future is the potential for any and everything with the right choice, but God's best gift is now, because we hold the power to make the past and change our future. That's why we call it the present."
Unknown Benefactor

Take on the spirit to serve in all capacities and humble yourself as a servant, the day of reckoning is not far from you nor me.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, December 17, 2012

Thy Kingdom Come

It’s not just by religious practice that we say, “Thy Kingdom Come”. It is with or by direct order that we distinguish who and what Kingdom is and who it belongs too. We tend to get things mixed up when we forget who we serve and how we were created. Not always do we recognize The “Divine” in his entire splendor. But we miss the fact that if we believe on him and whatever it is that we believe in, his name shall and will come forth in property possession. I say property because it takes ownership in a whole different meaning. We have because he gave and if he had not our realization of the “Divine” would be that of ourselves as counterfeited beings and secular in nature. And if The “Divine” isn’t how you refer to him, let’s give him the name that can only belong to one, GOD and himself alone. Were allowed as a people to have rights in this day and age, to uphold which is good and right, rightfully belonging to you and not someone else. Possession is taken out of context when we forget that, to have is to have earned and if you have not earned then you have no right to possess. Being that we feel as if were entitled still doesn’t give you or I the right to take from someone else. Not only do you give in an order to not receive but you give so that someone else will have, even if it cost you. But in the interim of it all you’ll come out ahead possessing more than what you allotted. When we give without measure, I’ve learn that the cup doesn’t stop over flowing, it becomes a continual process. One that exceeds beyond expectation and renders a bountiful reward that comes in the form of answered prayers. Possessing the Kingdom is having a Kingdom mindset one that stays on God, The “Divine” at all times.

Duly Noted and Marked 

Monday, December 10, 2012

Future Today

The secret to living a successful life is learning to be content in the present one. If we look past our present state to look ahead into the future without recounting past misfortunes we will miss key components that will empower us to have a brighter future.  It’s important that we appreciate what we've experienced now so that we don’t miss out on opportunities that will allow us to grow from and into the current day. Being able to recall and recount the past is not a bad thing. It reminds us how far we've come and for others how far we’re behind.  Staying in one place for too long can decrease our hopes of ever moving on, but it can also work in your favor. Building from the ground up takes times and if you have it use it. Why would you waste time wondering aimlessly in thought loosing precious moments and night’s sleep growing weary about the future. Bring in your new year now, by not putting off the future for tomorrow, start today!

Duly Noted and Marked 

Monday, December 3, 2012

Your Time of Season

*Ecclesiastes 3 1-8

There is a time for every season in a person’s life. As I was reminded on this week what season I am in, it had me to reflect back on the last few months. While I was trying to mend relationships I had to look within in myself to see if those relationships were meant to be mended. When you are in a place of awareness often times people won’t see what you see. Their vision can be blurred by opinions and judgment. Although it is okay to stand your ground you have to be careful not to offend anyone. People are people and they have needs, wants, and desires just like you. And for me being sometime ultra-sensitive and every so often being hard headed, stubborn, stern, and non-emotional, the list could go on; I have to take into an account of who I could hurt in the process of me changing. Maybe you think this is a bit harsh, but it’s me being real with me.  If the mirror sits on my left side or my right, it doesn't change the reflection. I count every one of my changes as goals in which I have set for myself as accomplishments, even if I have not achieved them all. Making the point to set one is an accomplishment within itself. As the season changes we/I must too. We can’t go on doing what we've been doing expecting different results. If this is your time of season to change embrace it and it will uphold you through the next season. You may ask the question, “How do you know when the season is changing in your life”? The best response I can give is, “When you become uncomfortable in the old one”.

Duly Noted and Marked 

Friday, November 30, 2012

Skin Deep

The richness of beauty is not skin deep, it’s within the person who neither searches for perfection nor seeks its attention. But it’s in the heart of the person who believes that beauty is more than what it looks like but what it is.  Surfaced with the intent to reveal itself to a world that is clouded by judgment to gather those who see beyond the physical to gain the attention of the spiritual who resides in us all. Appreciate your physical makeup, because he made you into someone so special that beauty cannot define you.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, November 26, 2012

Double Cross

Always establish a line before it gets crossed, so that there won’t be any double lines stationed. The line is based on where you have positioned yourself. Too often we are afraid to set one, because we feel that if a possibility should arise that our limits may not live up to someone else’s expectation or standard. But the line is for you to establish, rather than someone else drawing it for you. You keep what you have by making it apparent that if there is a double cross you have the right to draw a new one and oppose the old.  Making the choice to stick with what you have set, by all mean you’re in control. If you decide to cross the line in exchange for drawing a new line, it’s your decision to make and yours alone. Always follow your instinct blindly. The eye will deceive you and have you to double cross yourself.

Duly Noted and Marked 

Monday, November 19, 2012

Dedicated to You

Dear Steven,

From the day that I first saw you, I never thought you and I would be as close as we are. As a baby I held you tight and as you grew older, I never wanted to let you go. My heart is as big as you have allowed it to be. You have had some challenges in the past few years, but you have made it through the tears. I have prayed for you constantly and with my, “Yes”, came prayers that became answers. Not only are you my baby brother, but you are so much more a part of me.  I have had a hand or two in raising you and I know what you have on the inside of you, it’s beyond your wildest belief.  The years that I was far from you, it was a time that I needed to grow and make decisions based on the rest of my life, but you were always in my heart.  I can’t take back the years and even when I felt that you were not in a good place in mind and body, I knew that deep inside it wasn't a place you wanted to stay. From our last conversation a few days ago, it sent me on a roller coaster so high that I could not see the ground. You are where you should be and it’s a great place to be. Stay reading “The Word”, stay praying, believing but most importantly trust in no man but GOD. He holds the key to your future and so much more. You have fought a great fight little brother, but now the battle is the Lord’s.

Love you always and forever,
You’re Sister

Duly Noted and Marked 

Monday, November 12, 2012


In life there are no mistakes. For those of us that have made them, there are. As the year is coming to a complete close, each day I am expecting it to be better than the day before. Of course I will make a few mistakes here and there, but learning is a part of the growing process to increase in knowledge. Knowledge is weighed in weight, not pounds but based on the volume of situations that have occurred throughout mines and yours lifetime. We either live to live again, or we simply live to see another day. Perhaps if tomorrow wasn’t promised we would make better choices.  But would you make choices based on what you would do if tomorrow wasn’t promised or would you make choices based on who you would rather be. It sounds confusing, but if you take a minute to allow it to sink in, a light will go off. From my own personal reflection I have to live a life that is not only for me, but for those who look to me to be an answer. An answer to how can someone like me, leave all that she had behind to pursue not just a dream but a vision, a vision to have yet come to pass. I know without a doubt that I have purpose. And in knowing that I have purpose it surpasses the doubt that I had within me. You cannot live in doubt wondering what will be, but if you live in purpose there will be no question as to why, when and how the vision will come to pass. I wait in anticipation and I will continue to. Not just for me, but for those in need of the answer.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, November 5, 2012

Many Hands

Anyone can give a reason why they don’t want to be accountable for someone else. Many people have other agendas that don’t necessarily have a root of its own, and tending to someone else’s affairs would end up killing both parties involved. No one wants the responsibility and when it time to point the blame, fingers come from all directions. Then you have those that wait around to see what will happen and if it’s rewarding, they’ll want ownership. The story about, “The Little Red Hen”, comes to mind quite often. Little Red Hen went around asking those who were close to her to help bake a bread that everyone could partake in. And while she went around asking, everyone gave her a reason as to why they couldn't help. She eventually got fed up and decided to bake the bread herself and after it was done, there were many hands waiting. The story is fictional based but has real life content. How often do we look for others to help and when it counts there is no one around, but in the end they are all applauding?  No one can see the ending from the beginning, but it takes those that have keen sense to daylight to recognize when there’s a breaking in the day. Even if there are a few rough patches down the road there will eventually be a smooth ride ahead. Those people are known as “keepers”. They’ll stick it out not based on who you are, but due to the fact of what it will be.  Not only is this not the day an age to waste time, but it is not the time to waste opportunity. Cease moments in everyday and one of those moments will sooner or later pay off.

Duly Noted and Marked 

Monday, October 29, 2012

Last Day

All we have is today and if left up tomorrow this would be it. It's uncertain if we will live too see another day. And with life uncertainties, come life unexpected matters. As I am currently experiencing a storm that is uncontrollably out of my hands and nature. I am looking deep from within to recognize that my last day can be now. And if I am to be remembered, how would that be? To some this is not far fetch this is actual real life being lived as we speak. As I think on the notion, I take a glimpse back to the past in order to see where I am now. And I'm appreciative over the mistakes, due to them came better decisions. Out of my decisions rendered more success than wealth. In order to be recognized as a pioneer, you have to be able to set standards and go beyond limits. A person should only compromise when it is agreed upon, while never loosing sight of who they are. Our last day can be capitalized by more than a few words being spoken,revolutionary if our words proceed with action and contrary to belief if we just believe in ourselves. The final mission is not our last day living but what we do that will out last the day to come.

"For you are who you are because of what you do"

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, October 22, 2012

You Will Focus

Only time will tell what the outcome will be. If you just wait out the situation there will be a harvest to choose from, made easy. Allow the storm from within to settle and the rain to fall. The calm doesn’t come to the storm until you command it to pass. You’ve been endow with the power. When you have the power of his might you will own up to your decreeing and conquering authority. Victory is given to those who endure. If you stand tall through this and not faint, the revelation will be revealed to you while you wait.  Remain focus and don’t let anything or anyone block you’re vision. For if you miss this, the chance to reap in your harvest, will die with your vision. Continue to rejoice in your storm in knowing that the time of it passing is near to its end.  

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, October 15, 2012


The only mechanism that will solidify a term or expression if there is/are two or more parties involved that agree on the same matter. You can take my word for it but if someone else says the same thing then the word for word becomes and actual statement. Based on the accounts of what was said conjoins the statement to now be a true fact. No matter if it is actually false. Have you ever wonder why it’s important to have an eye witness on every account? If two parties agree to disagree then no one wins. But if there is a witness, that one now becomes two. It’s important that you get this. Two will always be better than one. Working together helps the job to get done. If you think you can do it by yourself? You are sadly mistaken.  Where designed to work together to become equitability partners to maximize value in us all. Without each other there can be no us and in detail there can’t be any you. You and I alone will never be prosperous if we can’t come together.   The writer wrote; “In unity were all blessed”. If we can’t collectively join hand in hand then the U-N-I in unity will be one. One alone stands alone.

Duly Noted and Marked 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Supporting Role

There are steps to take in order to be a great leader, a successful leader and a leader that is willing to change in order for others to do the same. Being a great leader is having people to follow him/she in a like manner and produce results that are exemplary. A successful leader is one that doesn't look for people to follow them per se but have tools in place to be as successful and even more. The leader who is willing to change has a written promissory note that is outlined in the words, "In order to see the change you have to become it". He/She is one that looks for no recognition but looks for others that are able to do what is asked with no question. With the ability to not allow the predicaments of life to stop the leading role from being interjected. There has to be one set in motion to lead and to take on many roles. It would make the leader’s job a lot easier if everyone played their selected part. But in order for that to take flight someone has to take on the supporting role. Usually what happens is that no one wants to support but only want to lead.

"If you learn by chance then there is a possibility you'll learn by mistake. Learn to step down in order to step up. Real leaders learn to take the supporting roles before taking lead"

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, October 1, 2012

Second Best

“Authentic rewards are given to those who think someone else deserves it”

In order for the victory of all there has to be a victory of one. We have to follow behind someone that is great in order to be lead to the “greater” being. Were rewarded based on merit and legality. The stakes are set high so that if we fall then we won’t fail to see how we land. The task is not set up for one to do alone. The good of all people is the greater good of all mankind. Accept the fact that the bigger scheme of things is beyond our own accomplishments but what we plan to do together. You won’t recognize setbacks when you’re surrounded by achievements.  Validation of self will deploy false allegations. Pure gold is often overlooked because it’s buried beneath the rubbish of what others have left behind. No more excuses are allowed when your decisions are yours to make. Second best is never a bad thing. It works for those who strive to be number one. People that succeed pushed themselves from being best to better. Those that survive through the hands of others move from follower to leader.

Duly Noted and Marked

Thursday, September 27, 2012


When you have been everything to everyone and you have been nothing to yourself, is it someone’s right to call you selfish?  I had to take time to reflect on my years of tears and time of growth that being not everything to yourself will leave you empty and destitute.  There is a time to share, a time to give, a time to reflect and a time to realize that life and its uncertainty had been brought on by one’s own ability to enable others. People will come dependent on you, only if you allow it to continue.  How do you expect for people to grow without you, if you keep over watering the plant? You’ll drown it and then decide to save it once more. It makes no sense to relive situations when it becomes recurrent. If your word is good once then saying it twice makes it redundant. You’re not selfish if you make yourself a priority. There is a time for your restoration and it comes when you finally understand when the time comes for you to live for you, because no one else will be able to follow if you fall behind.

Duly Noted and Marked 

Monday, September 24, 2012

Right Place

We’re willing to give thanks where it is due, but every so often were not willing to do where the need may be. We offer selfish reasons to justify our own actions behind helping ourselves first. We enlist others to participate when it’s benefiting but never enlisting others when it unfavorable. The rewards come when you don’t look for them. Accolades are given when extensive work has been put to the test. Requests are granted when you’re willing to give up something to give to someone else. Generosity comes from the heart which is the template to sharing and caring. It’s the gateway to helping those that need the help. If your heart is in it then it’s in the right place. It’s a dangerous combination if you never take notice of anyone else besides yourself. Putting pride aside will teach you humility. It can work to your advantage to be willing to serve at all levels regardless if meaningful or trivial. Apply what your worth to the work that is needed then you’ll be in the right place at the right time giving and receiving.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, September 17, 2012

He Didn’t Leave Us

“Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you” Hebrews 13:5

The feeling of being alone is simultaneously relatable to a bottomless pit. The place is dark and cold with a sign that says “no way out, but up”. We realize that when we are in the pit we see how easy it was for us to fall in and how hard it is to get out. We desire to be rescued but we don’t desire the need to be ‘saved’. And we wonder why the conditions of the pit are so harsh. It’s because the pit is where our mind goes to lock itself out from the world at hand. No one wants to deal with the harsh realities of life when life doesn’t ease up from the pain. The one who has come to save us all from the pit is the one who has been redeemed from the grave. He has been restored from death to life for us all to live again. I am amazed how we can leave the one we love and chase after another, in terms of conditions when he gives us unconditional love. We don’t have to pay for something we already have access to and we certainly don’t have to be reassured of the love that he gives. In every occasion he guarantees security and safety in him. He gives us his word and it stands on truth. How viable is our word and how can he stand on truth if it isn’t in us.

Duly Noted and Marked 

Monday, September 10, 2012

Useful Thinking

Our minds are set on an axis to process, acquire and to conceive. Without useful ways to process a thought, acquire what we've learned, and conceive what we've heard, we won't be capable to do all that our minds are set to do. Emotions are connected to our heart. That's why it’s difficult to rationalize emotions when our minds can't feel. Stay away from allowing your mind to take on feelings that it's not adapt to handle. We have to use useful thinking and ways when it comes to our heart and the soul of our passions. Our passions align themselves with the way we process our thoughts. It is the hub to how we will eventually view and see ourselves in present and future tense.  Be wise in all that you wish to behold. Those that are unwise will use wishful thinking while those that are wise will use wisdom.


Duly Noted and Marked

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Remain Connected

It is not about what you have done or what you have accomplished it is all about who you are connected to. Your network has to be made up of people that can benefit you in the short and long run. We are acquainted with people that have benefits but we’re the ones who don’t take them up on any offer. You can’t make a bid until you know your own purchase price. This is one of the reasons why we miss out on golden opportunities that come our way. We’re too busy to see what is in front of us because we're to busy looking over. 

"Assess your assets and if you calculate right you may not come up empty"

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, September 3, 2012

Well of Water

There is no need to expect the unexpected when you have an idea of what's to come. Look forward to a life changing experience when you change something about yourself or do something you have yet to do. When you are ready to process what you want to receive the "Well of Water" springs forth the well of life and living it more abundantly. It's sad to encounter new possibilities when we have yet to understand the concept behind the experience. Experience is the well of water and it is ever flowing. The flow is consistent because of the current. Stay afloat and you will stay always moving.

Duly Noted and Marked


For the last few weeks I've been trying to figure out, how I made my life so confusing. I was distracted by what I thought I needed. The need couldn't fulfill my wants because my desire required so much more. I was unlike myself. Unsure of what step to make and if I took the step would it put me in jeopardy. My future was mapped out. It was detailed and orchestrated so that there was no deviation. I wrestled with the thought of uncertainty and in that became doubt which unrivaled fear. The greatest of all challenges a person will have to face head on will be to conquer fear. Fear does not adhere to reasoning, because fear only answers to those who feed into it.  And if I had allowed myself to feed my fear it would have grown into an adult size image of what I didn't want to become. I realized that I had to starve fear in order for it to die. I feed it with the things I knew it hated and despised. I gave it "Love and Peace" as an appetizer. I gave it "Faith" as the main course. And I gave it "Hope" as the desert. These ingredients are what we all need to survive and kill fear for good.  We can't overcome it unless we give it something that it doesn't want but what we all need.

Duly Noted and Marked

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Taking mental notes of the things that we have to create inventory of can confuse the most meticulous person. Frequent amounts of underlying attempts to get things in order can place us out of order and in suspense. We can either be weaken by our assessments or strengthen by what we took account of.  The realization comes from being accurate and concise. You can’t make an assessment off of one try, you have to challenge yourself and in addition to challenging improve on “Faith” and use it as a momentous device.  Wealth is a learned incentive. It is an account of what we can take advantage of freely and nothing is required. Money can never amount to wealth, but wealth can increase money. Just as learning can never increase wisdom, but wisdom can increase learning. There’s no reason to reason within yourself when you now have grasped the understanding of what has been behind it all. You can be a fool and miss the underlying statement, but you’ll profit more if you take heed to what is being said.

“Have a short attention span when things don’t make sense”  

Duly Noted and Marked 

Monday, August 20, 2012


Not every morning do I wake up saying, "today will be a day, I will conquer all that I need to achieve". Within life we get distracted, misguided or often turned away because we loose focus. But it’s amazing how we’re granted new opportunities each and everyday. Sometimes I just sit in awe about how many days have gone by and all along it took just one day to fulfill all that I needed to do. Why is it that I have allowed time to pass me by and I’ve lived for tomorrow to come. Am I someone who doesn’t believe in taking risk or am I someone who is risky in taken them? Life is not given to us to expect tomorrow to come. It is more respected that we give our maker thanks for another day but if we decide to live for tomorrow then how do we live in this moment? Right now is not a response that seems far fetch. It is a declaration of what to expect at this very instance. Depending on what coast and region you live in tomorrow has yet to come, so living not just for this moment but for today. The unveiling process has predetermined outcomes. If you ‘Believe’ a thing it will happen, if you have ‘Faith’ in all things it is soon to come, and if you have ‘Trust’ then you’ll be able to count on all things to come to pass. All three components are not valued more than the other. You must possess one to gain the other. When you have all three your ready to detach yourself from all living matter that tries to attach themselves to you, in order to derail you from your predetermined existences.

"The scope of a new beginning is letting go of your old one."

Duly Noted and Marked

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Surfer’s way of living….

The Ocean is one of life’s greatest feats. It’s mysterious because it holds the world’s most indigenous species that have yet to be discovered by man.  Man for millions of years has often speculated as to why we are surrounded by a body of water that will never run dry. They have tried to figure it out, but have yet to be successful in resolving God’s creation. The ocean is one of God’s simple pleasures that he gives to his people to enjoy. Not to conquer, not to be bewilder in thought of its upbringing, but to relinquish its power of tranquility to invoke a sound mind. The Surfer’s way of living is based on seeking after the wave that will bring them the most satisfaction. Most time surfers wait to see what wave will come in order to take on the wave that will gratify their longing. Majority of surfers take on any wave because they don’t like waiting. Usually there is one surfer, who doesn’t mind the wait, who doesn’t mind going a bit further than the rest, who doesn’t mind being patient even if the day goes by. He/she is fairly reminded how tomorrow may bring what he or she’s has been looking for. When you lie in expectancy, time doesn’t hold no barrier, it will yield a return that is far greater than the waiting period.  A true surfer who goes out into the deep when no one else does will unfold the mystery that God has foretold in his plan for you. That those who wait and patiently wait their strength will be restored, hope will be given, faith will increase and the rewards will be abundant. How far will you go, is the question that God wants you to answer…and give him a response that he deserves.

Duly Noted and Marked 

Monday, August 13, 2012

Unlocked Doors

Many of us are not fortunate to take the time that we need to gather our thoughts in order to pay attention to the signs, that our bodies gives us to slow down. We must take the time that we need even when we don't have the time to take. How often do we allow ourselves to get so consumed with our daily lives to the point where our insides rot due to the negligence of our lack of not tending to our wellbeing. Our bodies are useful in so many ways, our health is important and we must mature in our thinking of what good health is and how to go about maintaining. Learn to apply what you read, to what you say, to what you will do. The secret to our success is to lock into having a healthy mind and body. But first we must unlock the doors which holds the secrets.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, August 6, 2012

Name Them

“Life is not what you make of it; it’s how you spend the rest of it”

Life is not to be taken for granted if you do you’ll be missing out on the benefits. I would be a fool to believe that what I am doing at this very instance is all that I am supposed to do. God who I call father does not give us breath to waste it by speaking of things that you can’t control. Giving in to worry and fear should be left up to those who have nothing to live for. Give less time to the things that require too much process and much thought.  How we live in the essence is how we’ll live for the rest of our days. Count all your days as one of many more to come, if you do then you’ll see how life is meant to challenge you so that you won’t count your troubles but count your blessings, naming them one by one.

Duly Noted and Marked 

Monday, July 30, 2012

Stabilized Associations

Before there can be any type of friendship, associations must mature from an immature state. If we get ahead of the development stage then we will be awaken to deficiencies within the connection. The handicap in the association will hinder the relationship from ever maturing. And we are reluctant to see it in the beginning phases because we want what we want and were focused on getting just that. In exchange we become caretakers of the handicap. Common grounds must stabilize the foundation of the relationship. If two people have a difference of opinions and agree on nothing then the grounds in which they stand on will be unsettling. Earthquakes happen when two plates push or slip against each other which are called the “fault” and they break because of the built up pressure. And the breaking point is called the “focus”. When there is fault in the relationship the primary focus gets lost in between the connection and the miscommunication. How we stabilize the association is by determining in the beginning the type of relationship that could mature from the association. Second never deviate off the initial course and third never allow conflict to go on unresolved. You’ll be better off not worrying about what you don’t understand more so than trying to understand what you’re worrying about.  

Duly Noted and Marked 

Monday, July 23, 2012

Mood Swings

If in life you experience any uncertainty you could be possibly experiencing a mood swing. We have adapted to call such things as how we see them, but in fact we never call such things as they are.  When matters are uncertain we call me them emotions of confusion.  And we doubt every move that we make. When you are confused it only entreaties other individuals that are in similar states, and once aggregated onsets conflict. Keep in mind that if you stay focus then you’ll see what’s ahead before it starts. Don’t deviate from your first initial reply, it could be the answer to the question. But if you add additional answers to one question then you’ll be trodden down by misperception.  Only pay attention to the voice of reason and not reaction. The voice of reason gives us the “Peace of Mind”, while the voice of reaction gives us double minded thinking with no solution. If it has you to second guess then it will cause you to see things that are not there and irrelevant. Be careful when you become upset by someone else’s mood pattern, when their off it’ll set you off too. The best remedy for that is to; allow anyone that close to you, to remain where they are and for you to get far away. 

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, July 16, 2012


Across the country our nations are experiencing an uproar that is causing divisionism.  Unlike any other time in our nation’s history has the world been tilted on its axis by shifts in power and control.  The world has been moving at a steady pace to insure that time will not run out if were unable to keep the peace amongst ourselves and our camaraderie’s. It’s not just a country or nation that is at ends, it’s the state of warfare in our own backyards that are sending you and I into frenzy. We are losing control over the next generation. If we can’t lead by example who will they follow or turn too. Poverty and jobs are at a high and low. And just because a few of us are living comfortably we forget about the ones that are in need of what we have to offer. How dare us to achieve and leave those standing behind to fall. Some of us have built shaky grounds that are unsettling and at any time we can fall through the cracks and be forgotten. This cannot be and we shouldn’t allow it to exist. Each morning comes as a surprise, as to what the day may bring, but without mornings there would be no new day. You have in your control and power to make this World not just a better place, but a World that cares for the wellbeing of everyone.

Duly Noted and Marked 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Moment of Truth

“This the moment of truth either we win or we loose”…..Whitney Houston

A moment can alter our lives. Let today be your guide and let tomorrow be your focus. Move forward and push harder to achieve. A mind is a terrible thing to waste, if you let your thoughts waste away. Be careful of what you take in and be careful to not tolerate anything less than what you would give. People can rub you in all directions and you’ll take part in how it is perceived. Let your mouth be an additive to where you see your life headed. Speak well of all things, good or wrong, everything has a purpose. For most of us being hurt produced some of the best decisions. We didn’t allow our emotion to take over life; instead we used it to tell one of the best comeback stories. How we made it over and how we won’t go back. Bruised but not broken, wounded but able to arise to any occasion.  

Personal note from the writer to you: You are smarter than what “they” think.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, July 9, 2012

Beyond Your Ability

“Keep the Faith even when it is beyond your ability”

I often wonder why it is so hard to remain focus. Is it because we allow our situations to gain our attention or is because we feel incompetent to gain momentum. When we set our minds on the things that are beyond us, we set our focus on the things that will get in our way. Warning signs don’t flash until we look for the dangers signs when were opted to think out of our comfort zone. Our abilities are the microscopic forces that amplify what we can do when we place our Faith in the right hands. You and I can and will achieve what we have begun. This message is an important message to ring though out the remaining week. Your success is resting on your ability to remain focus. Now is not the time to scramble your thoughts on provoking obstacles that stand in front of you to block you from seeing. Use the power that you have to command what is before you to move out of your way. The end result will prove to be a satisfying victory.

Duly Noted and Marked 

Monday, July 2, 2012

Would it be Right?

Decisions Decisions we struggle with making the right ones so that we don't make the wrong ones. It would be easy if life gave you directions and they were already laid out for you to follow. Just as simple as that would be, life is even the more complicated. We get caught up in the fact of what our minds says and what our heart won't listen to. Those two are in constant conflict, but the one thing they agree on is the one thing we hate to admit. When the truth makes us free, we untangle ourselves from the web in which we created. Decisions are congregated by choices and implementation. How we handle the two will decipher what decision to make. Hence wise the truth in the matter will be what we are able to live with. Right or wrong decisions still end up being one's move to make.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, June 25, 2012

Life is Certain

In order to get what you have never had you have to let something’s go. We’ve become accustomed to life as usual.  We don’t see the need to change or haven’t figured out if life would be any different if we do. We hold on being too afraid to let go, allowing life to live itself instead of us living it.  We’re entrapped by the excuses we have used time and again to barricade around us and the only way to set ourselves free if we unlock our mind to new discoveries.  The certainty of life invokes to non-disclosed guidelines. The first is that you are given life, to use as you deemed fit. The second is that death will come to us all and waiting for it to happen, make’s you unappreciative and unproductive. Living up to “your” potential is how you let go of the uncertain things in your life. Uncertainty behavior’s makes for unhealthy relationships. And relationship building is the core of any good thing. Relatively speaking life is not what you make of it, it is what you make out of it. It’s ok to feel uneasy when your uncertain, but I rather feel uneasy than unaware of  the fact that holding on to nothing for the rest of my life will be a guaranteed lose situation and that’s for certain.

Duly Noted and Marked 

Monday, June 18, 2012

Bedside Manner

Sometimes we judge our day according to how our morning starts off. Some of us wake up on the wrong side of bed. But when I hear that saying I often wonder what the right side is? Does it mean that you had a pleasant nice rest, or that you had a wonderful dream? Is the wrong side, the side where you don’t often sleep? It gets quite confusing but I understand what it means to have one of those mornings where sleep played no part of how you felt waking up. I went to sleep with things on my mind and woke up with them. When we let things fester they tend to take control over our psyche and it plays out within our behavior. I thought by going to the gym on this morning that I would release some tension. I also thought that getting something to eat would also make me feel better. But when I came into work I saw a gentleman who I haven’t seen in months greet me at the door. I walked over to him and told him how happy I was to see him and that he was missed. He told me that he went in to the doctors for a routine checkup and never left the hospital until after surgery. We are all so fortunate just to wake up in the morning. And we miss out on not appreciating the fact that our lives are important. What we do and how we do it is an indicator to how the rest of our day will be. No more missing the point. You are granted more than nine lives. Sleep or lack of should never order your day. Put your mind in check. And once you realize how your life could be, you’ll be more than thankful, you will be grateful.

Duly Noted and Marked

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Making it until You Made it

We are all fascinated by Big City Living. Living in one of the largest metropolitan cities that attract the attention of the world, it's hard not to compete in order to live up to its standard. You can get caught in the rigorous ways of making it until you feel that you have made it. This city has the zest and flare to make dreams come true, but not everyone outlives their dreams. I for one have been fortunate enough to know that with perseverance comes and even harder push to succeed and to get by. It has not been easy, a tedious journey but it has been well worth the tears. At times it left me a bit confused as to why I was putting myself through something that I didn't have to really go through. I could have left and carried back home with me, a half empty suitcase with a broken wheel. Leaving behind what I didn’t finish, I knew deep down inside that I would had chance the opportunity to see the payoff from enduring.  When you leave business unfinished, you leave with questions unanswered. I would have lost a great deal from what I have gained so much from. After while it started to make sense, everything that I was doing wasn’t for noting. I had plans and goals in mind and everything that I was experiencing was leading up to every moment of my life with purpose intent. It’s a jungle everywhere and there is something that you can do about it. We all  experience changes; yes we have to adapt to change. But wherever you are no matter how big or small your city is, you can make your dream come alive by making it to look not as it seems, but how you made it to be.

Duly Noted and Marked 

Monday, June 11, 2012

Make A Wish

“Spending an eternity trying to find what we’re looking holds barriers to our dreams”

There are desires that are hidden beneath the core of our thoughts that has not resonated since childhood. Children are taught to live out their dreams and makes wishes in order for their dreams to come true. Just a simple wish can get you what you want. But you have to spend time not only wishing but making plans to live out your dreams. We all wanted to live in some distant place far away from here and be able to do as we please, careless and free. Living out a dream is similar to living in a fairytale, everything is made up just the way we want it to be.  Life is funny when you put it into perspective.  It teaches us in so many ways to obtain and we overlook it. Childhood prepared us to look forward to life and to hold on to our dreams. Once the dream is gone you tend to fade away. Some of us knew what we wanted to be when we grew up and others didn’t have a clue but had fun trying different things out. Life teaches us the semantics behind the importance of growing up and learning. But dreams taught us how to live without barriers. Before you lay your head down tonight make a wish, to dream a dream that will foretell of your future and once you get a glimpse of your future, start planning for it.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, June 4, 2012

Circumstances in Retrospect

We familiarize ourselves with the things of our past by recalling those things that are supposed to be behind us.  A few of us are stuck trying to relive and make believe that if I do it again a different way things will be better this go round.  There is no way to avoid the past and there is definitely no way to remake the past, the past has out lived itself. Who we are now is no comparison to who we were then. You have moved from a place of mistakes to maturity. People who continually make the same mistakes don’t necessarily learn from them. They are the people who we all should avoid. Mature minded people take from past mistakes, own up to it and then move on. But when circumstances hit our lives, we are then thrust to reflect back. Apologies never get old nor do they do they go out of style. If you have to apologies do it now, so you can move on even if they can’t. We are a generation of people who are looking for answers, to solve all of our problems. But when we can’t find the answers we look for other people in similar situations to feed upon. We never really want the truth, because in the truth we will see ourselves differently and that part of us is too painful to bear. The best medicine for this type of pain is to simply be honest.  Honesty is the best policy, especially when lying only delays the pain. And before someone tries to bring up your past that is now behind you to hurt you, show them how immune you are to their poison by injecting them with antidote that saved your life the Truth.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, May 28, 2012


I was sitting here wondering what this weeks blog should be about. After contemplation I decided to share a part of how you and this blog have been instrumental to my life. Not only do I feel that I am obligated to you, but when you are passionate about your calling, you will make sure that you are in line to receive all that it has for you. My sole purpose is to make a difference. I want words to have meaning and stem roots that will hold weight. What you say and how you say it adds value and it increases over time. The reason why we can relate to history is because when something is said it is then written and often time it gets repeated. The wheel can not be reinvented it can only be perfected. There is a model that is set to be our guide, which comes with written instructions. If we deviate from the instructions then we deviate from our guide. We are all looking for the rights words to be said at the right moments. But when the words that we receive are not what we expect, it makes us re-examine ourselves. In time you will be revealed. We hide out from others and we don’t see the value in what others may say. It is the very words that are spoken will be key to how we are all defined. You can only deposit what you have been given and you can only receive what you are willing to accept. Do not become unreliable, stay focus and remain stable.

Duly Noted and Marked


Monday, May 21, 2012

One Nation

“It’s nothing like having genuine people in your life to add to you and not take from you”

We as a people are attention seekers, not always done intentionally but looking to be admonished for our good works. Our goods works can be egotistical and self-adoring. Our view of good works has been overshadowed by working hard to obtain wealth and notoriety. No one seems to want the responsibility of taking on projects that are for enhancing community development and restoring. New things are not always what make people happy. The joy comes from knowing that if you, me or we take part in developing and restoring a community that you and I together made an impact and as well as improved the lively hood of that community. Togetherness and unity is what we all have been striving toward, but it’s the one sided view that tears us apart. Joining together makes up a team and if you and I are torn the pieces over time tends to be scattered and misplaced. It still takes a village to raise up a nation, but if the nation stands divided no one will be left to carry us all.

Duly Noted and Marked 

Monday, May 14, 2012

Stop the Interference

Let your true path run its course. Interfering with purpose can lead you by the waist side and have you falling head first.  Do not allow your imagination to run ramped; it can lead to an unstable mind. Focus on what matters the most. When you have your hands in too many, pots your liable to get stuck in a rut.  Applying no effort produces no skill. Hard work doesn’t make sense when the payoff leaves you tired and resentful.  All or nothing should be what you live by. Either you do it now or you don’t. Don’t make life complicated with a bunch of excuses.  Life is simple. There are only two paths to take, either you ascend or you descend, don’t stay in limbo. You have to use what you have correctly or you’ll misuse it and lose it.

“Signal ahead and let purpose know that you are on your way to your divine calling, regardless of what stands in your way”.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, May 7, 2012

Green Light

Opportunities wait on no man, but possibilities takes time. How do you decipher which one to choose from? They are both drawn to each other. What usually lies ahead are the possibilities to encounter once in a lifetime opportunities. We can only miss the mark a few times before we forfeit what is for us. Looking for unsolved clues behind different doors, is not a job for the unbeliever, it’s for the person who never cheats on life chances. Chances of a lifetime happens when belief is not predicated on what you think should be. The secret to great success is to experience but to also listen. A person who is blind learns from following, and adheres to sounds to guide them. There are secret pathways, but the one who finds their path has found their true calling. Waiting is a process; and timing is everything. Beware of when to make the right move and how to apply it to benefit you. If you wait for the “Green Light”, there will be no turning back. Don't force yourself into anything that will take your focus off of what your initial plans are. Use caution at any given time when things seem to not add up. Open your eyes before you jump so you can see where you are headed. Discourage no one, always encourage someone and use what God didn’t lack when he gave it to you, your common sense.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, April 30, 2012

With Thanks

Our greatest appreciation comes from those who have watched us mature in different areas. It doesn’t take people very long to recognize the happiness that you would bring to their world. Often times when we involve ourselves, we don’t realize the impact that we would have on those who has chosen us to be apart. The rewards are substantial and the gratitude is received. We need each other, no one person is meant to be alone. Friendships are built on trust and mutual respect, but with an understanding to allow people to be themselves with no expectations of them being anyone else. It is not hard to connect with people who are genuine when we allow ourselves to open up. We come across only a handful of people that will be apart of your lives forever. You will recognize the ones by who they are to other people. And those who you hold dear, let them know that "With Thanks", that they are appreciated.


Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, April 23, 2012

Under Privilege

Today was one of those days that should have been titled, “it can get better than this”. The start of it begun with no direction and no indication as to how this day would end.  Even though there is still about 6 hours left in my day, I am yet hopeful for something great to take place. For those of us with a 9-5, we tend to be focused on deadlines and tasks that require immediate attention. It’s hard within a day to think about a future when our present day seems so bleak. Living in the NOW with the mindset that today could be the day that everything falls into place just the way we’ve hoped it would be, is as realistic as soon as you believe.  For a split second I felt a rush of excitement. Of course I started my day with a cup of Joe and maybe I could be feeling the after math of the caffeine. But this feeling was different. I’m sensing that this day could be really one of the best days yet. We all have been living under privileged for so long that we get use to our days being like any other. For those who have followed me since the beginning of this blog, I thank you for taking the time to see life through different frames.  Even though what I say maybe my truth, but my truth has a possibility of being my reality. And I believe the same for you as well. We are all looking for the light at the end of the tunnel, even when the tunnel seems as if it will never end. But keep in mind that there is an ending to all things, but the best part about our lives is that our desired destination will be our end.

Duly Noted and Marked 

Monday, April 16, 2012


There are great stories in the Bible that intrigue my curiosity and increase my intellect. One of the Greatest Kings that ever lived bestowed remarkable wisdom and judged honorably. Solomon was unlike any other King before him and after there was none like him. This particular story in reference was about two women that gave birth to children near the same time and one died. Both women went before the King and said that the child was there's and not the other. Solomon then called for a sword to divide the child and in the midst of slicing the child in half; one of the two women spoke up and gave her rights to the other. The story adds emphasis on how the women experienced a great emotion, in which they called it a yearning on inside of her that was more concerned with the child’s safety than of her rights to keep the child. Solomon then gave the child to the woman who was willing to make the ultimate sacrifice in spite of her own desire. Decisions and sacrifice go hand and hand, rather often due to circumstance. It’s hard for us to not only want but also feel the need to have or obtain. Some of us feel that we deserve it and never the mind how we will acquire it. Going through life changes, we learn to use wisdom to judge our lives and make unwavering decisions. Wisdom is definitely something you can gain from learning, but how you make it practical, is by applying it daily. You have to make wisdom a daily regime, especially when our understanding is not always clear. The women depended on a King to make the final call, when chosen people know that they are chosen to do great things, they rely on the Kingship or the power that resides within them. Realize now that wisdom can never run out nor suspend itself in time. Wisdom is for those who want and not wish to have.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, April 9, 2012

Order of Design

There are levels of endowing accomplishments leading up to a purpose driven lifestyle.  Someone who realizes that purpose is only a part of the design will obtain great order of success.  This designing factor doesn’t negate from the fact that dreams are still filled with possibilities. We tend to find ourselves jumping from post to post looking to place agendas and goals that meet our satisfaction. But we never seem to get it right, when we find ourselves out of order. Our mind is caught in between confusion and crazy. We end up spending half of our day wondering what to do and the other half figuring when to do it. We set our own selves up to be let down. When we plan according to specific order we eliminate stress and worry from our lives. Those who have acquired this skill have to be leaders to others.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, April 2, 2012

Perfect Example

For those who are always right, when is being wrong a bad thing? Our make-up is to process and produce all functionalities of our thoughts. We are the perfect example of a chosen generation, proven to go through mishaps, and shown how to make it through.  What could be right for you is not necessarily a right thing for someone else.  Just the same as something that is good for you, can be intently bad for anyone else.  Being the perfect example is showing how to cater to everyone needs by first being a good listener. Never assess any situation without first taking into consideration the other persons feelings and how you shouldn’t respond, because the person speaking is not you. Our emotions can cloud our judgment and our responses can be condescending. If you haven’t lived it, then you have no say at all. People like a yes man, and often times yes mans are saying no way man to other people behind your back. Someone who tells you the truth about yourself can be trusted. If you’re looking to make friends and not gain enemies, then consider the validity of the truth.  When the truth hits, it should hurt. And in friendships hurting is a part of the process that produces good friendships.

Duly Noted and Marked

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


“And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.” Romans 13:11

 The scripture text, in which I have referenced above, has been one of the scripture texts that have had an effectual way of reminding all us, if we stay asleep for too long, everything that we have dreamt about will pass us by. Were reminded so often how this is the time to acquire what is rightfully ours and to use this time wisely. The time now is “HIGH” for each and every one of us to awake out of a sleep of excuses. Excuses hinder progress and if continued will hinder your perception of who you are. Excuses are like darts, you aim at a target, but often times you miss. And every time you miss excuses seem to follow.  We can’t get everything right. It is impossible too, but you can’t go around blaming others for your lack of confidence. A person, who digs ditches, will soon be the one who falls in.  I rather blame myself first than blame someone else who has done what they were conditioned to do. Our passions are capable of taking us to higher heights, but excuses stunt growth. In order to be capable of moving to the next level, maturity of one’s own actions has to be realigned, with a sense of knowing and not reliving. Mature people blame no one for what they can do themselves. If you have a plan in mind goes for it. Nothing is in your way unless you’re the one digging your own ditch!

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, March 26, 2012

Out of Network

Your expectation of a friend should be the expectation of the relationship.....

Each day we come across individuals that are meant to be a part of our lives. We don’t know to what degree, but we do have a clue as to what role he or she might play. To be the change that people see we have to realize the part of us that has to change first, which can only be seen through our own eyes. A change advocate can only be a person who wants to make things happen for the better.  Not soley for themselves but for others who are in connection. A person who is rambunctious for the cause, but also a person who has obtained a level of success enduring for it. We have to remind ourselves that in order to jump start the cause, we have to first implement a plan to set off a reaction that will transform many.You are not just a role model; you are a blueprint of what came from the old you, into a better you. No more selling ourselves at wholesale, your weight is far more precious than anything. Stay consistent with the small things that others overlook and it will keep you focused on what lies ahead. Someone like you is moved by what's at stake if you decided to quit now. Keep yourself joined to a network of people with a desire for you to become more than what they are. If not disconnect immediately and place yourself out of network.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, March 19, 2012


I am reminded how precious today is and how each second adds detail to our lives. I am also reminded of the few things that bring solidarity to the meaning of life. Missing out on what could possibly be one of the most defining moments, could cost you and I a ransom of wealth. We must dream dreams that make since to our existence. We are here for a brief moment, but what could seem like a second was once a moment in time. Each life is short lived, no matter how long you stay on this earth. We are all granted eternity, but it is what we do now to determine how we will spend the rest of our days. I’m opposed to the saying, “live for the moment,” live with the intent of setting up what is ahead. You and I are allowed to live today like never before but stay within in reach of today. Don’t get so far behind that you forget and don’t get so far ahead that you exhaust yourself out before you have begun. On yesterday I was given the word, “Excess”, which gave way to words like surplus, exceeds, and the quantity beyond what is normal. This word applied new light to the possibilities, of what we are all capable of achieving. But it is solely up to you. To what degree will you allow yourself to continue to live submerged underwater, where safety nets are always needed? Time will only allow what you allow it. Take today for all it has to offer. Remember to love and forgive openly and you will gain what others have lost a true sense of what a difference today will make.

To Justin with all my heart, my brother, in God we trust you will never be forgotten, love you.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, March 12, 2012

Do Tell or Time Will

You have the option to keep your talent a secret or you can take on the notion to share. Never think that what you can add is too small, sometimes the smallest things can make the biggest difference. A narrow minded person sees things from a small view. Some who is open has a wider range and can see past the scope of ingenuity. I have said in times past that there will always be a difference of opinions the matter is there will always be two. Pay no mind to anyone that is not paying anything toward your time it’s useless and your useful. Give no one the time unless you can afford to divvy up the lost. Time is everything and wasting is not at your disposal. No matter what you do with the rest of your life you will have people that will doubt you, encourage you, someone you will answer to, and those that want to charm you. In fact, the people that you have encountered in times past have been the ones to show you, you, but the ones that you will encounter in times present will want you to succeed in all facets. You have an audience that has awaited your arrival and are looking toward you to do the expected or the unexpected. Are you waiting for time or is time waiting on you?

Do tell or time will……..

Duly Noted and Marked

Thursday, March 8, 2012

My Ex

My Ex was a creation of an intended purpose. My Ex all along had it out for me, to mangle and decompose the spirit that which was in me. My Ex was a constant disappointment, hiding from me the promises that were intended for me. My Ex desired for me to want a world that was built on preconceived notions of an injustice system ran solely on greed and iniquity. My Ex returned quite often to check up on me, never for good but to speak failure and poverty. My Ex left evidence of assault; reoccurring blows to the head knocked me off my feet. Damaging as it may sound, but the process was realigning me. My Ex wasn’t a friend, but a dictator, cynical in thought and rigid in rule and monetary gain. My Ex was a con leaving counterfeit deposits of fear, which made me run to the hands of “The One” who was beholding me. My Ex should be fearful of me, what My Ex failed to seek after was the truth of "The One” who gave his life for me. My Ex wanted to reign as ruler, but was never the wise. You could never take lead role if your name has never been ostracized.
John 15:18…. If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, March 5, 2012

Offer More

Giving should never be about the quantity, but the state of which it is given. Friendship should never have to balance out when in relationships there will always be ups and downs. Everyone gives according to what they have and in the process more will always be required. The Law of Reciprocity says that there is a mutual obligation and understanding between people. Not to emphasize much on the term, but to gain the wisdom behind it. You as an individual are obligated to the human race to offer your gift and talent to society in order to bring direct order to the “Divine Law”. And in return you will receive more than what you’ve offered, not for service but for sense of duty. Reflecting on your own problems only provides leeway to endanger your progress. Those who maintain a sense of entitlement to themselves, stay out of sync with those who are in need of help. When we help those in need we reverse the negative order.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, February 27, 2012


A mantle passes when the person who had come before has now gone on. The mantle is imparted to the person either through inheritance or through companionship meaning teacher to pupil. Maturity doesn’t come through age but through time spent in this instance. Not everyone is capable to take on the load, but to those who are called only a few seem to relatively take part. Often times replacing someone else's footsteps is usually a hard path to follow. Unknowingly the path that you follow is usually a path that steers through rough patches and ditches. But necessary adjustments are always additivites to the solutions. In order to fulfill what destiny has lain at our feet, it is up to the persons to carry on the mantle of those who have labored before us, to change the course of the present, to reflect the goal of the past. This dealing permits another chance toward a predestine future and another opportunity for our present endeavors.

Duly Noted and Marked 

Monday, February 20, 2012

Another Part of Me Take 2: Graceful Beauty

I often wonder why people are so hesitant to tell their age and why some relinquish details when age is a factor. Within these last few days I tried to reason with myself to understand the actuality of hiding a number which represents only a number. I just recently celebrated my grandmother’s birthday, she turned 90 years old. And I became aware of the fact that her age bestowed grace and beneath it all was her beauty. Her age unfolded decades upon decades of monumental history. Not from what the storybooks told me, but what she actually lived. Through her misfortunes she was able to turn them into fortunes and in yet there was grace once again and beneath it all was her beauty. At times I wish I could possess the gifts and skills she acquired. Her spunky no tolerance demeanor, but it was accompanied by a gentle laugh and smile. Grandmother was physically beautiful yes, but it was grace that held her hand and turned her beauty into beautiful. She was created for a time before her own, an heiress that was simply a gem to behold. All that she taught me I will never forget, to hold my own and never allow no one to take it from me. She prepared me for what was to become of me, she saw me before I knew me and I will be indebted to her forever. Her presence alone was refined and poised, quiet but confident. I remember her favorite thing to say before we would end our conversations was/is, “Take the Lord along with you” and my reply would be, “everywhere I go Grandma”.  Behind her wall she loved me unconditionally, in a way that she knew how and beneath it all there was still a grace that beheld her beauty. A grandmother’s love doesn’t go unnoticed, even when a love is sometimes hard to find. You can see it if you look hard enough and it will lead you down a pathway to where their heart is. She taught me more than the basics, she taught me survival and gave kits to prepare me for the road ahead. Grandma if you ever get a chance to hear this message I want you to know that I love you forever and ever, and your grace will always hold a beauty unlike any other.

I’m going to make you proud of out your legacy

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, February 13, 2012

Another Part of Me

Every precious moment is a signal to start life a new from beginning to end…….

In lieu of the chain of events that are occurring around us. I often wonder how am I of all people able to change my errors to be light to someone’s darkest day. Enduring through past trials I tried not to entreat past failures with present day accomplishments. Time has given me ample room to figure out what I have to do. The picture has not always been clear. But the more I appreciate my life the more I feel that a new day has settled and I am re-focused. I for one have allowed a day to be wasted upon indecisive decision which had left me bitter and blaming those around me, when the cause was initiated by my inaccurate decision. In worst case situations I thought I would never come out from being lost, but instead I was able to profit off of my recovery. Not with money but with my life. Me of all people learned that by chance you can fall into a trance of commonality. Wanting to be liked and adored had me to not like what I saw about myself. I've learned that it wasn't by luck nor chance that took me from common ground to a place of safety it was my Faith. Everything about the old me had to turn around and do an about face. I said, “fair well to lack”, I said, “good day to bad relationships” and I said hello world to a new understanding of me. Was it an uncomfortable process, “yes”, was I unsure some days, “yes”, but what I stood on could no (wo)man take from me, “The Word of Truth". It holds no one's faults, it speaks well of all situation and it bears fruit of prosperity in every area of my life. What you hold as the truth will be what determines your fate. Rely not on mere words but rely on the truth which makes one free and holds no one captivate. The details that have went into my life makes me out to believe that I am on display. When it looks like potential don’t ever play anyone for cheap, because you will end up loosing out. Seize every opportunity. You are created for more and I believe in each and every one of you. For the next remaining months of this year “Fresh New Direction” will be implanted.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, February 6, 2012

Focus Man

I’ve searched high and low only to find that there is only one man that I can speak highly of…………….

One of the most frustrating obstacles in life is staying on task. There are many factors in life that tend to draw away from our initial plans. It seems as if the more time you spend on one, the less time you will spend on the other. For some apparent reason we tend to find ourselves in the same state of being, upset by the things that feel displaced. Not knowing were to go and how to reorganize our lives to meet-up with preparation and planning.  It's a proven notion that unsatisfied people reckon unsatisfactory results. We can’t keep going back and forth if we do then our focus will be diluted. We need the strength of our future plans to draw from and if you can’t see what is ahead of you, keep someone near that sees what you can’t see clearly. Changing your lifestyle to align with you’re priorities is an objective and not an assessment. Maintaining and handling hectic scheduling is apart of a routine that you have to adapt too there is no way around it. Anyone who dares to be revolutionary has to stay focus with there plan in mind, the difference between the “us” and “them” is that were unpredictable.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, January 30, 2012

Be Great

Exploring possibilities is the makeup of what mankind regard as the intentions of nature. If being free to explore was a cost what would you wager to gain complete access? There is no amount that anyone can give that would add up to the significance of its mature value. To chance my life would be risky only if I thought of myself useless, but the possibility of gaining more than I would loose, I would bet it all. We can’t allow baggage to continually weigh in on us; by far the one that we carry now is too heavy for anyone to handle alone. Giving up can not be a last resort if you want the satisfactory of obtaining success. Successful people reverence failure first, in order for the temporary set backs to be leveled and achievements to be heighten. You can’t enjoy victory sitting down; it only advocates wallowing and in that despair. What makes sense is when we recognize that being great is first emphasized within our accomplishments. If no good comes from our endeavors then the essence of being called great has only become a self-centered thought only equal to those who egotistically consider themselves great. This is the making of bad company and someone with a distasteful disposition. Great is what other people say about you and in reality what makes us greater is how we think of ourselves. Be great in all that you say and do; your greatest advocate is the outcome.

Duly Noted and Marked 

Monday, January 23, 2012

Learn Your Lesson

We reason with hesitation because were not sure if the decision we made was for our best interest. Those who administer complaints to eradicate from themselves are usually the ones who learn lessons that could be bypassed. Evidently there the ones repeating the same two-step to an inharmonious beat. Out of sync with those who have matured and moved on. Not only do we settle within ourselves but we allow room for indecision. Why should we counteract from our first response. When in fact our first initial response is usually our best solvent that fits the effect . Primarily in conjunction with common sense and attached to caution you tend to avoid any repetition. What makes for a wise person is someone who had a thought of dying but preferred to revive themselves and live for another day. Wisdom comes from the depth of a person soul to hone in on the need to rely on “FAITH” when you don’t have strength.  Faith is used when you stop trying to process thought and capacity. There are no limits to what any one person can do. A learning curve is set based on an ‘average person’ ability to easily learn and the difficulty to grasp new information . There is another term used and it is called an experience curve. And this curve is determined by “Natural Limits”, which can not be rationalized by scientist because it is to complex to understand how the ‘environment’ responds to things that are not foreseen. If we grab a hold of the outer limits, which is staged to perfect an imbalance, it will give opportune existence to what we can do. Learn from your lessons the easy way before you end up learning the hard way.

Duly Noted and Marked 

Monday, January 16, 2012

Outcome or Out Coming

Trivial misfortunes and oblique conditions rationalize our existence if we allow. We have to standby and endorse that a difference can be made within a day but also in a moment if we believe. Can we all attest that if we think of a thing that has brought us great joy does it not carry out the same effect? Minor or even major set backs can uproot itself to bring forth happiness. We are accountable to ourselves yes, but if you could bring delight to others would it not yield the same results? Respectively we live to live again, but we also live to obtain. If we live not expecting then we have to accept the outcome. People that believe in hope don’t live in delusion it’s an illusion to others because there not operative to see what you see. We all work in shifts and if we take on someone else’s shift it puts us out of alignment. Our call to duty has to be reflected on our own merit. Were comparable beings with our own objectives that are set in motion to carryout an initial plan. One body is a mutual fit of a one sound mind that is collaboratively joined together to suit the sequential aligning of a shared ability. Those that are not connected to you will not fit into place. Today it is time to take on an old concept but with a new outlook, "Out with the old and expect the Coming of the New".

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, January 9, 2012

Dance Even When

Dance even when there is no one looking. When weights of burdens that weigh you down and you are not opening yourself to process movement gives light to excuses. Moving freely to a beat of a drum ministers the rhythm of your heart. Blockage from outside receptors are the cause of the excuses to not dance but to stand still while the music plays. Freedom to move is an indicator of freedom to speak. How you move will bring forth a wave of rhythmical sound to your voice. Sound is generated by movement and if you stand still you produce "nothing". We live by a sound written doctrine that teaches every individual to move out of normality and comfort-ability, to produce results never seen before. But your execution slows down results and produces no action. Allow this day unlike any other day to move without constraint to allow your dance to be your voice.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New You

Was it death trying to break us apart or was it death that has brought us together……

With bringing in the New Year and showing off the “New You” is all about loving every intricate part of you. The dying off of old habits and the birthing of new beginnings happens when you decide to change who you once were into who you now see. We chase after dreams but never after destinations. Destinations are an indicator of new arrivals and an awaking of new chapters in our lives. Once you have arrived at the planned location you are able to embark on the new adventure which is set before you. Allowing not only time to stand still for the moment but you watch as time “past” has now irradiated and relinquish its hold on your life. The past is now the past and no more will you all time to pass before you, living behind the times. Old things are now passed away, behold today as a dawning of a new day with a future that is marked by change.

Duly Noted and Marked