Monday, June 24, 2013

The Obvious

Getting off course from your assignment will leave you to believe that it’s your business to focus on the obvious when in fact the obvious is what’s blinding you from the truth. When you’re about your father’s business His focus is now your focus and His alone. When we deviate from the assignment confusion, frustration, depression and uncertainty sets in. We believe that what we’re doing is right and it could be rightfully so, but also rightfully wrong as well. Who determines the right from the wrong will determine the outcome. We have to be careful to not allow our footing to tread upon territory that will take us away from safety. Being defiant and misusing our power will have one to believe that we are in control of our own lives. Many people that fall from grace believe that they have mastered enough power and gained enough control that the power that is in their hands, is the absolute power that can triumph overall.  The horror behind believing that you and I alone have the power will make one believe that we are gods in man creation without the spirit of God. Be cautious of people that have their own mind. They are the very ones that work in deception. When you practice to deceive, the ending of an anything is total destruction. You can only control what is allowed through complete submission. You can influence people to do more or you can influence people to do less. It’s all up to your standard of living. Who you are today says a lot about the decisions you've made. Irrational people make irrational choices. Sensible people make wise use of their time and place more effort toward the assignment than the obvious. When you are on an assignment you are governed by one authority, one rule and one government. There is no democracy in decision making. In decision making, lean not to your own understanding. We have all been called to complete our assignments. Every assignment has classified information only to be revealed at the opportune time of relieving upon the completion.  When you are in the middle of chaos that’s when you know that you're assignment is close to end.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, June 17, 2013


Why am I here? Are questions we tend to ask ourselves when things are not working out as we’ve hoped? But why are we here? Is there a force making us stay or are we forcing ourselves to stay? Why do we allow finances and the opinions of others to delay our moving plans? Taking chances is another way to increase your faith. You must see yourself moving before you actually take the first step. When you believe in you, delayed applications will not hinder your next move. Where you see yourself is where you ought to be. Now the real question is, “How do I get there”. The simplest explanation to the question can be the hardest thing to digest. But the simple truth lies in what you believe in. The image that you see daily is the truth of the matter but we don’t face it. We never own up to what went wrong and we view critiquing as criticism. Critiquing is not based on your reflection but based on your response. You can gain a broader prospective through someone else’s view. The more you know the more you will see where you ought to be. We make things complicated when we double back on wise counsel. Poor judgment never leaves you at a standstill but wallowing does. If you continue to be a monument then you’ll see peoples faces, places and opportunities pass you by while you’re contemplating your next move.

“Go if the opportunity exist, Stay if the opportunity presents itself, you’ll never know if you never increase your faith”

Duly Noted and Marked

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Unbreakable, Unbendable, Unshaken

When we think about a house we tend to think about a place in which we live. Our mortal bodies takes a form of a house. A house is a place that we live in but it is also a place that we must continue to repair. In the form of relationships, we entrust our homes to easily in the cares of others because we're more concerned with entertaining and occupying our homes with guest. Relationships must have a common bond. Whatever the bond is will prove to be the foundation of the relationship. You have to be careful in your choosing. Foundations must be solidified with a raw material that sets the house in order. If your house is not in order its in disarray. Careful planning must go into preparation before the house foundation is set. When we do not inquire of a persons foundation we open ourselves up to fall. Once the foundation of the home is set and its joined together with another foundation. Then the two are in agreement. Foundations are a major part of our decision making. Foundations are a vital instrument used to build. If the house is shaken and the foundation is set incorrectly, it will fall at the hands of the builders. Experience can not be your guide when building. The setting of the foundation will require a raw material that is unbreakable, unbendable and unshaken. When a foundation is laid on a"Rock" the home is sturdy. And it's able to withstand the floods. 

Duly Noted and Marked 

Monday, June 3, 2013

Call and Plan

What makes us great will not necessarily outline our purpose. Life is full tasks, missions, and strategies that are geared toward fulfilling our purpose, but never allows us to understand “The Purpose”. When we arrive at the conclusion we gain full knowledge of what we are capable of, even when were faced with difficulty. Purposeful people never allow themselves to stay off course for too long. And they never get caught up in what people say about them that makes them great. They are the ones who will leave an indubitable impression.  Legendary people leave legacies.  We tend to miss out on our call and plan because we tend to focus our sights on the things below rather than the things above. We are a people filled with many traits and God given abilities that make us master in our own right. Mastering an ability in order to be great is a feat and a challenge, but mastering many takes ingenuity. In the Word it says, "We are called accordingly to His riches and His glory". If we are a called people and are called accordingly to one purpose does it mean that we can only be great in one area? Many are called and the chosen will be few since there is only a few of us that want to be legacy driven. A legend acts according to the call and plan that is set to fulfill “The Purpose”. If we deviate from the call and plan then greatness doesn't get achieved and the purpose becomes unfulfilled. Lack is an area of confusion. People lack because of what they don’t want to know. Many will fail to understand but there will be those who never give up. Giving up will never be an option when you are called according to the plan.

Duly Noted and Marked