Monday, December 30, 2013


Abstinence is rooted from abstaining. Abstaining in my book is to keep oneself from indulging in anything idol. An idol is usually recognized as a figure or replica of a statute that people can see. But we hardly recognize the idols in our lives that make up illusive thoughts. An idol mind is the devil workshop because of the illusion he paints. We have to remain constantly aware of what we allow into our minds from which our eyes stay fixated on. The finer things in life does not necessarily mean to have all that you want in order to be happy. Those are idols. We worship these things without even knowing that we have fell into a trap of disbelief and formality. And then we hate our lives because we don't have what we believe we should possess. Many of us have idols that stand in our way of progressing. The lack of money, resource, and will power falter our own perception. Abstaining from idol thoughts will allow room for proper use of time and energy. And allow for one to function in a capacity that is suitable to fit ability. Abstaining should be used as a rule of thumb to be applied when our focus becomes idol and our thoughts don't progress. 

Duly Noted and Marked 

Monday, December 23, 2013

Set Goals

We're embarking closely on Christmas Day but many of us have already completed all of our shopping and made plans for the day arrival. Some of us have set our heights on New Years Eve to establish new goals for the New Year. And a few of us would like to bypass the Holidays bliss. For those of us establishing new goals we should not forget our old ones. Setting goals is like writing History. History repeats itself and some of our goals should too. Even if you have not started or finished your goals put them back into motion. We don't set goals for today but we set them for tomorrow. We set up our distant future with the plans that we do for today. I for one is setting a goal to continue writing for this blog. I never thought that I would actually continue something that I started and to be consistent with it. Over a hundred blogs completed but still realizing that I haven't reached the cusp of what could be done. If you set your goals high I believe that you can achieve your goals as your level of maturity increases. You become aware of realistic goals verses idealist goals. Your status doesn't change by completing goals your status changes by setting them. Once your attitude changes your whole world is set. Make an attempt to establish goals that reflect your new outlook and adjust your old attitude. 

Duly Noted and Marked

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Take The Load Off

On this past Sunday a word message went forth and it reminded me of the constant  plague that many of us is bound too. I know that we are embarking on a season of giving but many of us still want the benefit of receiving. How often do we get things that we do not deserve. How many times have we been blessed when we have not been a blessing to anyone? And for those who give and ask for the gift back, what was your intent? Sometimes I think we choose what we want to do in spite of doing what we know to be right.God recognizes our heart over our actions. Many of us live our lives for the approval of others. I read part of a passage on yesterday that said, “if God has proved you, who’s approval do you need?” People are being exposed of hidden agendas. Everyone is looking for something and finding what they need in the wrong thing. We want better but we live worse off. Our living is only in vain if we are living according to our selfish desires. You want but you don’t need and you have but you’re not willing to give.This generation can solve the co-existing problems we have in society today, but no one wants the responsibility.To carry burdens of other people are heavy weights to bare. Especially when you are functioning off of what you have to carry for yourself. Burden barriers have the strength of Samson but the weakness of his heart.
When we look at our own hills we see defeat but when we have people who can stand beside us to encourage us it enables us to become stronger. We don’t necessarily have to count on one, we can now count on two. God has placed people in our lives to be our strength when we need it most. Not everyone is experiencing hardships and even so God makes light of them all. People in Leadership positions and power need our help. The way we can help is by taking the load off of their shoulders by using our God given gifts and talents to be of service. Talents are applied skills in areas that you have knowledge in. What are you doing with your talents? I challenge each of you to start thinking of places that you can be a benefit to.What have you not done that you know you could do. God provided His service to us and He displayed many acts through which He was called to do on this earth. And He has called us all to do greater things than He. Life’s practical lessons are first instituted in the home and if it starts there then there should be a display of reaction from which we receive. I can’t make it without you and you can’t make it without me. I urge each of you on today to display some form of service. It is our responsibility to give when we have the means to and to give out of  what we are required to. No one needs to force you into using your talents for servitude but your greatest gift comes from putting a smile on someone’s face.

Duly Noted and Marked