Monday, August 26, 2013


The unpredictable nature of life’s consequences and outtakes tend to arrive in a person’s life when circumstances are unforeseen. People measure pressure based on the weight of the problem. With distinction we can view our problems with the ability to decipher if it’s based on a situation that we can handle or one that we can’t. Many of our problems are caused by using bad judgment. No one likes to make a mistake and no likes to payback. It is possible to see the problem through different perceptions. Our perceptions are outlined by the intake of what we would like to see but in reality it’s what’s hidden from us that we don’t see. That's why you have to know when it's a matter of vision or a bad glare.  If there is no truth to back it up it becomes invalid. Always go to the source before you make a decision based off the perception. It's hardly ever what it looks like but if it is then it’s a reality check. Just as your season changes so does your perception. Every encounter is not meant to throw you off course. Some are meant to put you back on. The choices you make are yours to live with it. No matter what no one else says? The only time you can go back on a choice is when you have options. Do not take options for granted they are your way of escape. Use them when needed. Otherwise you’ll lose your focus.

Duly Noted and Marked


Monday, August 19, 2013


Balance is a figurative word I rarely like to use. I thought motion sickness came from driving or flying but balance is one of those words that tend to make me nauseated while thinking. Trying to balance love, life, relationships and ministries adds its own frustrations. Learning how to accommodate them all is not impossible but the reality is you can’t balance them all. I believe in putting things in systems, functions and perspectives.  I believe that in order for one to complement the other you have to allow room for error and repeats. The balancing act never allows room for mistakes because if one fails then they all fall. People are usually caught in the middle trying to even out both sides by alternating back and forth from one side to the other. This seesaw act is impossible to remain steady or in control. Your time and attention will never fully develop this way. We have to learn to place our lives, our jobs, our ministries, our passions, our attentions to details in a system that works and functions properly. The key to mastering them all is never allowing you to get ahead of yourself. Set boundaries and limitations that you must follow along with those following you. Each individual has a unique way to adapt to climate and changes.  If you set the bar other must meet up to your expectations. Proper planning is the way to succeed in life. No plan, no balance, no system and nothing will function.


Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, August 12, 2013


Insecurity is a false sense of hopelessness. Often times we have insecurities because of what we are unsure of. You have to beware of your insecurities in order to overcome them. It is not always a superficial thing, majority of the time it stems from a lack of self-awareness.  Not knowing who you are plays a part on your insecurities. Inadequacies, promotion and validation from others stems from insecurities. You never realize how insecure you are if you’re always surrounded by people who address your ego. Being alone allows you to see what people tend to overlook. Drawing attention to yourself or having the attention drawn away from you shows a lack of security. People who like attention cling to other people that will give them what they are looking for and eventually those types of relationships feed off of each other. People who draw away from attention lack the desire and company of people for they lack security within themselves. Insecurity is the inward mobility that stops production. Lack of Faith is insecurity. We are aware of what we can have in God, but we are too afraid to allow God to dwell in us for the lack of security.  Insecurity will kill everything alive surrounding your life. It will withhold from you prosperity. It’s not what people say or think about you, it’s the bottom line that separate you from being insecure and feeling secure about who you are. Where you draw the line will distinguish how far the line should go. Insecurity can hold us back from moving on in our personal and business life.  When we are afraid to leave relationships and jobs because of losing our security, we hinder our own development.  Your value depletes when you know your time is up. Taking chances is the way of life for those who have a Plan A and stick to it without ever having to make use of a Plan B.  If you feel that you cannot make it on your own you will live in someone else’s shadow.  Never be afraid to admit your insecurities to yourself. Confession is good for the soul because it sets your insecurities free.

Duly Noted and Marked 

Monday, August 5, 2013


It’s hard to see those that are in connection to you to suffer silently. Suffering will have you to believe that no one cares and it will make you feel that you are all alone. Pain is a constituent to those that are in connection to you.  Emotions and forms of embrace are ways to connect. That is why when a friend is overwhelmed with emotion and exert in a way of tears, tears from our own eyes tend to flow because of what we have experienced through the connection.  Connections keep the focus of all people involved.  We stay connected because of what we feel for each other. That is why it is so hard to let go, because we share a connection. No one is ever meant to be alone. This journey is meant for us all to help each other along the way. Selfish pride and anxiety of our past gets in the way of us admitting to our own faults. No one is perfect and we all make mistakes but secluding yourself from those that love you and placing yourself in complete isolation only hides you from your own truths. It breaks my heart to see what a person could be in their future but they never invest in their own potential. We have all been let down by people who we have trusted in connection. No one is exempt.  If you continue to allow the challenges of this world to make the choice for you and how you will live, then you make God into a little god. One of the greatest fears that people never admit to is the fear of love. For love, has no barriers and in connection with people you can’t keep one up.

Duly Noted and Marked