Monday, December 31, 2012

Acceptable Year

This New Year is filled with promise and purpose all rolled in to one. With the same enthusiasm that builds up to the momentum we have to exasperate all avenues to produce the results we want. And there is no mistakes about it nor will I make any excuses that will allow it to look any other way than it should. We often criticize the outtake rather than taking everything in before the picture becomes painted perfect in view. Instead of trying to mend things back to original shape we have to allow it to break off from the ends so it won't damage the roots. I appreciate all that this year has brought on and I am even the more receptive to what the outcome came out to be. My "New Year" set in before the year began which made 2012 a distant memory. I'm hopeful of 2013 and I'm branding that this is the "Acceptable Year of The Lord". Which means for me and hopefully for you too that all things are possible if you just believe that "He" can and "He" will.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, December 24, 2012

This Eve

On "This Eve", for some of us we're planning what we will do on the morrow, what favorite Christmas sweater to put on, preferably the one that lights up and what gifts we're expecting to receive. But let's not forget what we have is so that others may have too. Giving and sharing is more than what we should do during the Holiday Seasons. It is what we all need to do year around. I encourage each of you today to do something that is out of yourself so that someone else can benefit. Even if it means sacrificing your time to give. Take on the spirit in which we are celebrating and apply it so that the reward would be beyond a present but a spiritual enlightenment. It is better to give than to receive and more importantly what you do today and tomorrow will be a reflection of what you will be venturing after for 2013. Choose the hour spent wisely because your present will be what your future holds. Make life worthwhile and worth living for. The foolish lives for today but the wise plans ahead and uses the tools to leverage the advantage.

"The past is gone forever, unable to be tapered nor changed. The future is the potential for any and everything with the right choice, but God's best gift is now, because we hold the power to make the past and change our future. That's why we call it the present."
Unknown Benefactor

Take on the spirit to serve in all capacities and humble yourself as a servant, the day of reckoning is not far from you nor me.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, December 17, 2012

Thy Kingdom Come

It’s not just by religious practice that we say, “Thy Kingdom Come”. It is with or by direct order that we distinguish who and what Kingdom is and who it belongs too. We tend to get things mixed up when we forget who we serve and how we were created. Not always do we recognize The “Divine” in his entire splendor. But we miss the fact that if we believe on him and whatever it is that we believe in, his name shall and will come forth in property possession. I say property because it takes ownership in a whole different meaning. We have because he gave and if he had not our realization of the “Divine” would be that of ourselves as counterfeited beings and secular in nature. And if The “Divine” isn’t how you refer to him, let’s give him the name that can only belong to one, GOD and himself alone. Were allowed as a people to have rights in this day and age, to uphold which is good and right, rightfully belonging to you and not someone else. Possession is taken out of context when we forget that, to have is to have earned and if you have not earned then you have no right to possess. Being that we feel as if were entitled still doesn’t give you or I the right to take from someone else. Not only do you give in an order to not receive but you give so that someone else will have, even if it cost you. But in the interim of it all you’ll come out ahead possessing more than what you allotted. When we give without measure, I’ve learn that the cup doesn’t stop over flowing, it becomes a continual process. One that exceeds beyond expectation and renders a bountiful reward that comes in the form of answered prayers. Possessing the Kingdom is having a Kingdom mindset one that stays on God, The “Divine” at all times.

Duly Noted and Marked 

Monday, December 10, 2012

Future Today

The secret to living a successful life is learning to be content in the present one. If we look past our present state to look ahead into the future without recounting past misfortunes we will miss key components that will empower us to have a brighter future.  It’s important that we appreciate what we've experienced now so that we don’t miss out on opportunities that will allow us to grow from and into the current day. Being able to recall and recount the past is not a bad thing. It reminds us how far we've come and for others how far we’re behind.  Staying in one place for too long can decrease our hopes of ever moving on, but it can also work in your favor. Building from the ground up takes times and if you have it use it. Why would you waste time wondering aimlessly in thought loosing precious moments and night’s sleep growing weary about the future. Bring in your new year now, by not putting off the future for tomorrow, start today!

Duly Noted and Marked 

Monday, December 3, 2012

Your Time of Season

*Ecclesiastes 3 1-8

There is a time for every season in a person’s life. As I was reminded on this week what season I am in, it had me to reflect back on the last few months. While I was trying to mend relationships I had to look within in myself to see if those relationships were meant to be mended. When you are in a place of awareness often times people won’t see what you see. Their vision can be blurred by opinions and judgment. Although it is okay to stand your ground you have to be careful not to offend anyone. People are people and they have needs, wants, and desires just like you. And for me being sometime ultra-sensitive and every so often being hard headed, stubborn, stern, and non-emotional, the list could go on; I have to take into an account of who I could hurt in the process of me changing. Maybe you think this is a bit harsh, but it’s me being real with me.  If the mirror sits on my left side or my right, it doesn't change the reflection. I count every one of my changes as goals in which I have set for myself as accomplishments, even if I have not achieved them all. Making the point to set one is an accomplishment within itself. As the season changes we/I must too. We can’t go on doing what we've been doing expecting different results. If this is your time of season to change embrace it and it will uphold you through the next season. You may ask the question, “How do you know when the season is changing in your life”? The best response I can give is, “When you become uncomfortable in the old one”.

Duly Noted and Marked