Monday, July 29, 2013

There are people in our lives today that are drawn to our weaknesses. This is one of the deceptive plans where the enemy tries to manipulate our future with past experiences.  His plan is to use our weaknesses to disable our power usage. If we neglect to use our source then we will feel powerless. We can only overthrow our weaknesses through the power that has been given to us through the use of a Prayer Life. Mark 9:29  And he said to them, “This kind cannot be driven out by anything but prayer.” When you pray you must be honest with God. Honesty breeds openness and openness breeds exposure. Exposure exposes the enemy that is fighting against you. God will reveal to you in the most intimate settings how you can defeat the things that are trying to weaken you. Too many times our fellowships with each other (home, work,) can and will handicap our power. We give more time to others than we do in prayer to God. We get involved in fellowships because of what we don’t have in order to offset what we think we must gain. Relationships with others are essential but our time with God is our being. When desperation kicks in and anxieties follow we search for people who will give of their time and their sympathy. We must be careful who we choose to draw from, not everyone’s well springs forth life, some spring forth a well of contempt, displeasure and disaster. Choose wisely how you spend your time; make sure the time spent is used to draw closer to God in those who you choose to connect with.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, July 22, 2013

The Truth

“ Moses stood in the gate of the camp, and said, WHO IS ON THE LORD'S SIDE? let him come unto me. And all the sons of Levi gathered themselves together unto him.” Exodus 32:26

There are so many avenues one can take with this scripture text. There are people that are genuinely with you and yet there are people who talk a good one.  Moses had to do a heart check on the people of God. He saw their actions but he didn’t give up on them from choosing to serve God. Many of us let people go from our lives because of what we see and hear but we never ask them why they choose to live other than the way that is commanded. We fail to realize that we become judge and juror and never allow the person to defend their case. Maybe they don’t know maybe no one has ever shed the light of the “Word of God” for them to see clearly. But when you know the truth and all you have is a bunch of excuses as to why you want to follow your way, then you now have allowed your flesh to feed you. This time and age we are seeing many people who are becoming a lover of themselves. No one wants to live for God because they rather live a life that is pleasing to them. You can only be true to yourself when you uphold ‘The Truth’. You will live a lie and the truth will not be in you. When you serve yourself instead of serving others you become a ravaging beast. One who looks for meat in obscured places from whomsoever. Your appetite will draw you away from God. Be careful of your desires. Choose to serve God today and there will be no good thing that He will withhold from you.

Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, July 15, 2013

Rewards and Benefits

Life rewards come at a cost. We endure sacrifice but we also endure benefits that are rewarding. While waiting for the rewards we often struggle with the obstacles life presents. The challenges that we face are due to the reoccurrence of tests that stand midway between the start and the finish. Commanding and demanding our lives to look the way that it should, shed’s new light on how we should position ourselves to stand still at moments of despair in order to reap benefit from the cost of our sacrifices. People who have vision see beyond limitations. A visionary is a person who is ahead of time but never works out of time. Visionaries work with what they have and don’t place limits on what they can do. In order to obtain you must use what’s already inside of you. Those that lack vision lack perspective. You cannot see where you’re going if you can't see what's standing in front and beside you. The midway point is merely a distraction. It’s the point that misguides many of us from moving on. If you give in then you’ll give up before things get better. Nothing in this life comes easy without hard work. A little sweat and a flood of tears has never hurt anybody but it’s made people like you and me into visionaries that command and demand life to render forth it’s rewards and benefits.


Duly Noted and Marked

Thursday, July 11, 2013


The word of the Lord says,”How can two walk together unless they agree”. Amos  3:3

This scripture text resonated so much in and on my life this morning. I started thinking about whom I serve and why I follow Him. How can I say I am a believer of Jesus Christ when I agree with people who still want to do other than the word of God?  Am I being judgmental or am I following Christ? I was the type of friend who agreed on having pre-marital sex before marriage, because it was what I was doing. I even agreed on drinking to a point where you thought you controlled how many shots of patron you could handle and allowed you to drive home drunk. I was the type of friend that fought and literally fought in fights that were caused by malicious behavior that my so-called friends caused, but since I was a friend I had their back. How foolish was I. I patted people on their back telling them they were right when knowingly they were wrong. Was I really a friend? As I reflected back over my life and even as I write this now my hands are trembling because I know that this may not hit you now but you will have to come back to this later to reflect. I’ve had boyfriend relationships that where apart of God’s plan but not of God’s purpose. If a MAN is of God’s purpose for your life, you will not have to force the word of God on him but he will do according to the word of God. And any man who is in Christ is a new creature and follows the law of God and does not allow you to follow into SIN (Please remember this…ladies and gentlemen) God has not and will not condone a lifestyle that is NOT of His word. We walk as believers walk, we don’t talk it. We live the way God has taught and told us to live. If you do anything outside the will of GOD you are working for satan.  Period.  He rules in disguises and many of us right now are being deceived by what we THINK we want and IT is not of GOD. I can’t have this word on the inside of me and not share it, because I really love you. It’s not right and it will never be right if you are not following Christ the way HE said to do.  When you agree on things that are contradictory to the word of GOD, you will face consequences that will cause you to call on His name. Warning comes before destruction. The order of GOD is HIS word! BE NOT FOOLED for God is not mocked

Duly Noted and Marked


Monday, July 8, 2013


“Never love someone so much that they don’t have a desire to Change”

Love is meaningless when it is based on what you do for someone else. When you are able to walk away from someone you love it is a possibility you may be doing them no harm but more good. For love is not defined as a narrative but a formative action. When you desire to be loved, love doesn’t come easy but it may come quick. You give love to receive love, but if you expect it back the way you gave it, it’s not love. Love is not equal. If you go into a relationship in hopes that it will be, then your portion will weigh in on the relationship. Love is mutually shared.  You have to be in tuned with those that say they love you from their heart. For the heart has a mind of its own.  When love plays a role in the relationship it builds on satisfaction more than standards. For we set the foundation on which it stands. And we have to be careful with using the word in association with what we see. For we can only love someone when we recognize that love is not all we need. Check yourself about the word love. Redefine love by characteristic traits and intent. When your heart has a mind of its own it will go off of a feeling. It feels good to hear someone say that they love you, but it feels even better when you know they mean it. The intent of a person’s heart will deserve your attention. Be true to love and love will come through for you.


Duly Noted and Marked

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Signal Change

Most of us head in the wrong direction because we don’t know where to go. We’re looking for direction but can’t seem to find any that will help. We’re in dire need but no one is around.  What do we do? We end up moving without waiting. The error in most of our lives comes from moving out of turn and moving when not supposed to. No one likes to wait for a signal.  We are anxious creatures with impulse drives that leave us moving ahead of ourselves and leaving others behind. You can’t move unless you’ve been told to go. Signs are always around you but you only pay attention to the sign that you want to see.  We run and bump our heads too often with the same mistakes time and time after time again. It can’t be a changed season if you don’t change your direction. Direction is important as to staying focus is. A change mindset is a changed behavior. Progression equals results and change signals responses.  Lead by example and signal change for the entire world to see.


Duly Noted and Marked

Monday, July 1, 2013

Happy Divine Appointment Day!

Departing is not sweet sorrow sometimes it is bittersweet, but there is a season for everything.  We are in a season of change and change for the better. I believe that for many of us that this change will be better than the one before. This is a time and season where we will look to be validated by the one who has created all things in His perfect will. And I believe that in this season we will see our dreams come true. There is a clause. You must first believe. The power of believing comes from knowing not seeing.  We are often distracted by what we think we control. In fact what we think we have control over still has power over us.  When you’re driving your automobile, you think your controlling the steering but you don’t control the car. It is powered by a source that has total control over you and where you’re going. You believe that where you’re headed will eventually get you to where you want to be.  But what has the power to stop you can detour you.  Life is not meant to be lived by what we control. Life is meant to be lived through the possibility of believing, for that, “All things are possible to them that believe”.  This season is a season of growth and maturity. If you latch on to this everything else will detach itself from you that means you harm. Hold on to nothing that does not see the value in you. In this season do not be afraid to be alone.  Everyone in your life cannot be a part of this season. You paid a price that caused you to sacrifice some of your hearts desires and you will be rewarded. Situations came to show you what you’re made of, but believing made you believe in you. Now you’re self-identified by your DNA (Divine New Appointment).  This is a place where you have arrived. What a journey this has been for many of us and a journey it will continue to be.

Happy Divine Appointment Day!

Duly Noted and Marked