Monday, May 20, 2013

Will of a Whale

There was no excuse for Jonah to run away from doing the will of God. He ran not out of fear but because he thought what he wanted to not do was more important than rescuing the people who needed to know God more. The people actually needed to see a physical manifestation of God’s word through his works. Jonah was a living work of God’s word. It wasn't just his dramatic rescue from being spewed out of the whale’s belly that made Jonah renowned. It was the fact that Jonah was called before he fled.  How often do we run with no though of turning back? How often do we see our own needs before we look to lend a hand to someone else? We are favored people by God, whose call is to proceed to action without hesitation. Within hesitation becomes frustration. Nothing will work out until we (you) (me) get our will of a whale out the way. Jonah’s will became his whale. His will was enlarged by what he thought was right. If I never learn anything else from today, I've learned that my will of a whale must die in order to gain passage into the Kingdom of God. If (we) I stop now we will become endangered species to a generation in need of the message that we have to bring. I salute all that desires to know God intimately. This is a place where we will understand that God’s will, is what we really want.

"Thy will will be done on Earth"

Duly Noted and Marked

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