Monday, August 12, 2013


Insecurity is a false sense of hopelessness. Often times we have insecurities because of what we are unsure of. You have to beware of your insecurities in order to overcome them. It is not always a superficial thing, majority of the time it stems from a lack of self-awareness.  Not knowing who you are plays a part on your insecurities. Inadequacies, promotion and validation from others stems from insecurities. You never realize how insecure you are if you’re always surrounded by people who address your ego. Being alone allows you to see what people tend to overlook. Drawing attention to yourself or having the attention drawn away from you shows a lack of security. People who like attention cling to other people that will give them what they are looking for and eventually those types of relationships feed off of each other. People who draw away from attention lack the desire and company of people for they lack security within themselves. Insecurity is the inward mobility that stops production. Lack of Faith is insecurity. We are aware of what we can have in God, but we are too afraid to allow God to dwell in us for the lack of security.  Insecurity will kill everything alive surrounding your life. It will withhold from you prosperity. It’s not what people say or think about you, it’s the bottom line that separate you from being insecure and feeling secure about who you are. Where you draw the line will distinguish how far the line should go. Insecurity can hold us back from moving on in our personal and business life.  When we are afraid to leave relationships and jobs because of losing our security, we hinder our own development.  Your value depletes when you know your time is up. Taking chances is the way of life for those who have a Plan A and stick to it without ever having to make use of a Plan B.  If you feel that you cannot make it on your own you will live in someone else’s shadow.  Never be afraid to admit your insecurities to yourself. Confession is good for the soul because it sets your insecurities free.

Duly Noted and Marked 

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