Friday, October 14, 2011

But You Said

The word of truth has to come from someone who is truth worthy. You can’t say one thing one day and then take what you say to justify how you really want to live. Whose fault would it be if what you say holds the next decision in someone’s life? But then they can’t take you serious enough because you live a life that is full of distractions. Distractions are blinders to the truth and what can also be a lie. These are people who will always remind you of who they are and then proceed to justify why they are the way that they are. Which leaves you and I more confused from the start of the conversation to the end. The gifts that you have can not be reciprocated if they are not used wisely. Situational outcomes will not give way if you fail to not live according to what you said. It’s not the person fault if they fail to listen its yours because you've failed yourself. If we fail one another then we will fall into traps that are laid to keep us bound. You are what we see. Masks are used to disguise identity if you never take it off then you can’t reveal who you are.

Duly Noted and Marked

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