Monday, October 24, 2011

In Numbers

A relationship can be one of many or very few. We tend to monopolize relationships to suit our own image. While going after what we crave we try to draw in others to choose the same path. With all intention on seeking approval from our relationships, each individual is set in directions to figure out an aptitude of complex courses to venture onto. The base of finding individuality can not settle on someone else’s made up implantation of what someone life should seem. The intricate detail of who we are is fastened by the twining of our own will and power that is of our own countenance. You are only valuable if there is a need of you. We can miss the value of people when we don’t allow them to find their own way. Relationships don’t stand alone, but in numbers. If there is no room for growth in the relationships then there is no life expectancy. Relationships that have you going around in circles will only make you dizzy and relatively unfocused. If one is behind extend your hand for as long as it is needed, but only if it is reached for. Extension is not based on time but length. In yet there are always cutoffs.

Duly Noted and Marked

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