Monday, June 18, 2012

Bedside Manner

Sometimes we judge our day according to how our morning starts off. Some of us wake up on the wrong side of bed. But when I hear that saying I often wonder what the right side is? Does it mean that you had a pleasant nice rest, or that you had a wonderful dream? Is the wrong side, the side where you don’t often sleep? It gets quite confusing but I understand what it means to have one of those mornings where sleep played no part of how you felt waking up. I went to sleep with things on my mind and woke up with them. When we let things fester they tend to take control over our psyche and it plays out within our behavior. I thought by going to the gym on this morning that I would release some tension. I also thought that getting something to eat would also make me feel better. But when I came into work I saw a gentleman who I haven’t seen in months greet me at the door. I walked over to him and told him how happy I was to see him and that he was missed. He told me that he went in to the doctors for a routine checkup and never left the hospital until after surgery. We are all so fortunate just to wake up in the morning. And we miss out on not appreciating the fact that our lives are important. What we do and how we do it is an indicator to how the rest of our day will be. No more missing the point. You are granted more than nine lives. Sleep or lack of should never order your day. Put your mind in check. And once you realize how your life could be, you’ll be more than thankful, you will be grateful.

Duly Noted and Marked

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