Monday, April 1, 2013

One Rule

We as a people, an embodiment of God's creation will sacrifice a lot of ourselves in order to become one with the greatest plan. God has ordained us and us all with no respect of persons to join together to ratify the nation to be subjective under one rule. God has designed us to radicate Heaven on Earth. To serve the one the only Sovereign God in all of His majesty. What we forget and tend to overlook is why He created us. He made us to be in His like image to serve each other as He has served us. We all have a purpose and the purpose is to instill in everyone we come into contact with the Love of a Sovereign God. He never meant for us (mankind) to be so cultural complex by Religion. All He wanted and still does is a relationship with His creation. A religious denomination is not an identity. My name is not an identity. Our identity comes along with living in complete awareness that the one who created us has single handily constructed perfect beings with a mind of their own. What we can't decipher at times is free will from His will. The word He has given and mandated over our lives is to reach out to all the earth to compel those of like faith and non to become believers of Christ. There is no set religion on this earth that can redeem us from the enemy. The enemy is one we don't fear but he's the one we must overthrow so that the earth is back under one rule. There's no denying and no mistake, that there is more to life than we know. There is something so great and to be magnified that when explained you can't find the correct wording. Science is a state of evidence not a state of being. You cant explain manifestation of a being who came in spiritual form to live a physical life through science. Science states that this can not be possible. In my opinion, this concept is not for science to theorize or have an answer to. It can only be solved when we all come under one rule and authority. This message is to impart into every reader that there is a great mandate on us all. We can't deny that the frustrations we have been experiencing for sometime now is because our identity has been deceived. Your frustrations won't allow you to wrap your mind around the notion that God is the one rule. It's never been about religion and the time is now to set aside our differences.

"I am only one voice but you and I together are many."

Duly Noted and Marked

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